"Hi yes this is Nancy Wheeler, when you said my kids were picked up by someone can you give me the details of this person?" Nancy gets out a notepad to write down everything they tell her. "Okay thank you." She hangs up the phone and walks back over to Jon.

"So don't freak out, but your father has the kids." "What!" "Yeah he picked the kids up, told the school he was their grandpa." "Well what the hell Nancy what are we supposed to do now?" "I don't know Okay, let's just get in the car and we just gotta go look for them."

"Do you know how big indiana is? That could take years." "Ay what about that girl your dad used to date." As they wrap up their conversation lonnie opens the door.

"Daddy!" Willow runs up to him and hugs him. He picks her up while staring between his kids and his father. "Hey baby, where have you been?" He says trying to stay calm infront of them. "We went with Grandpa Lonnie to eat then went and got toys look." She says holding up the new toy she had gotten.

"Oh cool.." his smile fades as he notices a bruise on one of the twins arms immediately putting down Willow to go over to the child, grabbing their arm to look at it. "Ow daddy, your hurting me." He loosens his grip, "has that been there for a while?" He says looking up at his other daughter. "Yeah, I fell out of bed the other day, don't you member?"

He sighs, relieved that his father wasn't the one to have made the mark. "Oh that's right sorry sweetie." Anthony being older could realize there was tension between the two men.

"You kids go with mommy I'm going to speak with lonnie outside." Nancy got the memo and started walking the kids towards the kitchen. Just then Jonathan grabbed Lonnie by the collar dragging him out of the house.

"Do not ever show up announced ever again, do not even show up announced I do not want you anywhere near my kids." Jonathan stood from the deck shouting at the older man. "I'm their grandparent, I have the right to see my grandchildren. I love them."

"Like you loved mom? Or like you loved will? Or-or me? Those nights you spent drunk yelling at mom taking all your anger out on us. Calling Will names just because he has a different taste?" "He's a Fag, and Fags don't belong."

"And you wonder why I don't want you around my kids?" Cause what father would ever say that shit about their own child? Saying your own kid doesn't belong just for being different? Will is one of the best people I know. You were never a father to me or Will, therefore will never be a grandfather to my kids."

He walks back into the house slamming the door shut, calming down a little bit before heading into the kitchen.

As he walks in sighting his wife putting out Strawberries to each of the kids, everyone's eyes go up to him. "You all are not to ever speak to that man again I don't care what he gets you or tells you. " He says before walking out hands on the back of his head.

"Mommy?" Lucas breaks the silence, causing Nancy's eyes to go from the empty space where Jonathan was once standing, to the little boy in the chair. "Yeah hun?" She says getting down to his level. "Is daddy okay?" He says taking a finger to push up his glasses. "Yeah sweetie daddy will be okay." She says before standing back up and kissing the young boy on the top of his head.

The truth is, Nancy knew Jonathan was far from okay. Lonnie had always been mentally and physically abusive towards Will, Joyce and Jonathan. So him not having his kids in sight while they were with him, did scare him.

"Mom I'm gonna go use the bathroom k?" Anthony says halfway out of his Seat. "Okay sweetie."

Anthony walks back into the hallway, before eyeing his dad sitting on the edge of the bed, leg shaking, finger in his mouth biting off the nail. He walked in gaining a set of eyes lying head on his face. "I'm sorry." Anthony said breaking the silence. "For what?"

"I'm the oldest I should of known better." Jonathan sighs, "It's okay bud. You didn't know how shitty he was." "But dad-" "Anthony It's okay, it's over now and you guys won't ever be seeing him again." He says putting an arm around his son.

"I love you dad." "Love you to bud." They say there for a minute just enjoying the peace n quiet before deciding to get up and go back to the kitchen. "Hey kids." "Daddy, are you better now?" Leah says, Jonathan nods in return. "Now kids, you only have 2 grandpas, okay remember that." (you can include Ted if u want but u don't gotta)

He kisses the two kids on the head, "I love all you guys though okay? You know that right?" The kids nod their heads.

"How about movie night tonight and you all stay home tomorrow?"


Everyone got in their pajamas and cuddled up on the couch, Jonathan turns on toys story, which is no where near what he would've chosen but they had young ones in the room.

Eventually all the kids had ended up falling asleep on the couch as well as Nancy and Jonathan.


Yall this chapter was ass bruh😭 it took me so much time to even come up with something. But yeah yall sorry for this I've had like no inspiration.

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