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(Ok one more before getting back to the normal daily schedule)

Wills pov:

Me and nick have known eachother for weeks now. He's met the group and he's even came to a few D&D campaigns. He's spent the night a few times and we've hangout a lot. But there's one thing I've realized. I definitely like Nick. We've switched on and off with will neither of our parents finding out about her. Today was his birthday and I've been worked on his painting for weeks. It's me him and him holding willa. 

Today I'm telling him about everything. The monsters, El, the upside down, everything.
He was coming over around 7 and spending the night. I was still his only friend so he was having a party or anything and I was glad so it would only be me and him.

A few hours later

Making his promise he came around 7. "So I have something to tell you."(W) "Whats up?"(N) "You know how I got kidnapped and my sister doesn't know a lot and was kidnapped and all that?"(Will) "Um.... ya?"(N) "Well.... that's a lie. Or it's not a lie it just wasn't the full story."(W) "So what's the full story?"(N) "It started in 83....

10 minutes later

"Woah, holy shit."(N) "Ya holy shit."(W) "What powers does your sister have?"(N) "Basically anything with her mind. All I can do it tell everybody when a monster is here. I'm basically connected to the upside down."(W) "Hey that's cool to."(N) "You don't have to lie."(W) "I'm not your just as cool and badass as them."(N) "Ya, ya whatever."(W) "I'm being honest. I pro- wait you said she can see people in her mind?"(N) "Uh ya...why?"(W)

"Do you think maybe she could see my brother?"(N) "I mean maybe. Are you sure you want to do that?"(W) "Positive."(N) "Ok but first can I give you your birthday present?"(W) "Will I told you, you don't have to get me anything."(N) "Ya but I think you'll like it."(W) I get up and grab the painting and hand it to him. I watch as he unrolls it. "Woah will this is fucking amazing."(N) "Thanks nick."(W) "This is awesome. I love it your the best will."(N) he hugs me and I hug him back. "Now let's see how your brothers doing."(w) me and nick walk over to els room and I knock on her door.

"Hey will what's wrong?"(El) "I need a favor."(Will) "What is it?"(El) "We need you to see nicks brother."(W) "I don't know you know we're not supposed to."(E) "Please El. I just want this one thing."(W) "Fine come in."(E) They walk in her room and the three teens sit on her bed and she grabs the blindfold from the drawer. And wraps it around her face covering her eyes.

Derry, Maine 1988

"Eddie!" His mom screams from downstairs. "Coming ma!"(Eddie) "woah eds that's a lot of information shouldn't you take me out first."(Richie) "Beep fucking beep richie. Now hide in the closet if my mom finds you were both dead."(Eddie) richie goes into the closet.

Els pov:
"Woah."(E) "What?"(W) "He looks like Mike."(E) "Nows a good time to mention were cousins."(N) "What!"(W) "Sorry Mike didn't want me telling you guys."(N) "Ya did you not notice i litterally have the curly hair, face structure, Freckles. I just have short hair, glasses, and blue eyes instead of brown."(N) "But that's not what matter how is he."(N)

"He's fine. He's with another boy named, Eddie? And he yelled to his mom that he was coming. And richie said he should have him take him on a date first? And he said beep beep."(El) "Ok El you can stop now."(W) I go to touch richies face and he dissappears and I get out. I take the blindfold off. "I'm going home."(N) he gets off the bed and walks out and will follows him. "Nickie wait!"(W) "What will? What do you want?"(N)

No one's pov:

Will takes his hand and pulls them into Wills bedroom. He closes the door behind them and he lays on the bed and pats next to him. Nick eventually sits next to him and will puts his arm around nicks shoulder and pulls him closer. The tears start falling on nicks face as he crys. "I'm sorry."(W) "I just want to see him will. I want to hear his voice."(N) "I know you do." Will mumbles his chin resting on the back nicks head. Nick lays down, his head head on Wills lap. Wills fingers in nicks hair, his head against the wall. The music in the background playing.

Nick moves to laying on his back so that he's looking up at the ceiling his head still on Wills lap. Will looks down at him and they stare into each other's eyes. Will slowly moves in and their lips connected. It took a minute but they eventually softened into the kiss, their lips moving as one. They pull away when they need to breathe. "Woah. I've never kissed anyone."(W) "Me neither."(N) "I liked it."(W) "Me to."(N) They move in again. Their lips connecting again

The music plays in the background. They feel as if they're the only 2 people in the world.

Idk if this is good or not but ya.
Bruh I got a fucking mouth sore from stress and I'm actually gonna fucking kms like it hurts so damn bad I'm just boutta give up and try the damn salt water technique idgaf anymore man.

All I've Ever Wanted *Jancy FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon