More Smol James

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Smol James at 3 years old goes to a Masjid with his parents. He can't really speak yet, and he is a bit nervous and can't self regulate yet, but the Imam is very nice and loves the smol kid with messy hair and big glasses. His parents aren't perfect but are very chill older folks and are trying their best. 

James POV

"Monty, your hair is a mess!"

Daddy sighs as Mummy comes over and messes with his hair. He grins at her. "Phe, relax! I look fine! Besides, it's going under my kufi, does it really matter?"

Ouchie ouchie ouchie. I cover my ears and swing my legs on the big grownup chair I'm sitting on. Mummy sits in this chair mostly and Daddy says it's too big for me but the James chair is too small for leg swinging. The James chair is for eating. 

"Are you ready, buddy?"

I shake my head. Mr. Dinosaur! I need my dinosaur! Daddy smiles. "Mr. Dinosaur?"

I nod like Mummy taught me to when people say Yes and keep swinging my legs. Daddy lets me. Last time he made me stop swinging, I had ouchies everywhere.

Daddy comes back with my dinosaur and sets it in my arms. I smile big at him since I can't use grown up words. 

Mummy smiles at me. "Do you want your Puma shoes, dear?"

YAY! I giggle and run off my chair to the Shoe Area. Sure enough, my new shoes are in their spot! I put them on and jump up and down. "EEEEEEE!"

The Mosque place is very colorful and pretty. I look all around, amazed and also loving how quiet it is. I take my shoes off and then wash up with Daddy, watching him do it and then trying to do it myself.

I tentatively try what he's doing, and he smiles. "Good job, James."

We both walk out to a beautiful huge room. My eyes are stretching in my sockets as they take it all the sights. Colors seen to be everywhere, and the room is bright with sunlight. There is virtually no furnishing.

Mummy comes up, smiling. She has a beautiful scarf on her head. "You don't have to do what we do in this room, dear, okay?"

I tilt my head. Mummy and Daddy do that when they're confused. Mummy explains, "You're very young, and this is all a bit complicated."

I nod. I've seen them talking in different languages when they do the praying stuff. I sit on the floor and look at the designs, but have to get up because sitting still makes ouchies.

The windows are so pretty. I stare at how big they are before finding a grown up chair in the corner. I giddily climb onto it, giggling to myself.


An orange fluffy kitty pads over, pawing at the chair legs. I flap my hands and watch the kitty.

Mummy and Daddy get done doing the praying stuff, and I hop off the grown up chair. The kitty follows me, meowing. I turn around and giggle before sitting by the fluffy kitty. I meow back at the kitty, and the kitty stretches out on the floor.

"Oh, alhamdulillah, the cat found him."

I see unfamiliar shoes and a white robe, and I'm suddenly very shy. The kitty purrs and rubs his head against the person's legs.

"I'm sorry, he's very shy still. Oh James, dear, he's very kind. This man won't hurt you."

I hide behind Mummy regardless. I need my dinosaur, where is he?! I want my dinosaur! The ouchies go away with him!

"Oh, he's so young, give it time. Oh, I might be scaring him."

"He hasn't talked yet...he gets overwhelmed easily and he's so picky with his clothes, his food..."

"Euphemia, dear, I think he lost his dinosaur. Uppy up, James!"

Daddy picks me up, and I cling onto him, pointing towards the bathroom. He understands. "Oh, of course. We left your dinosaur in the bathroom, didn't we?"

Mr. Dinosaur is soon back in my arms, and Daddy lets me rock back and forth on my toes and meow like the kitty.

We eventually go home, and I giggle, running into the kitchen. Mummy will make lunch!


The next time I go to the pretty praying place with the kitty, Mummy and Daddy are wearing very pretty clothes. I'm wearing very silky little kid robes that feel nice on my skin.

The man wearing white greets me with a smile and a phrase in another language, and even though I'm still shy, he gives me a small lollipop. Candy apple flavor! I smile big to say thank you, and he returns it with a nod. 

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