You harmonized those as well. A small smile on your face.

Varian turned his head away in a snobbish way. He hadn't known you could play the piano. But he was the superior one here, obviously.

The boy played a few more emotional notes before turning away, setting his head on his hand sadly.

You weren't going to let this end this way. You looked down at the piano before you and played a few happy notes, they sounded like a winter romance.

You raised your eyebrows teasingly at the boy as he side glanced you again, this time a small smile on his face.

He turned as he played a few notes, this time both of you playing vigorously at the same time in harmony. The boy finally looked at you as you both played, his eyebrows raising with a smirk. All of a sudden one of his hands broke off his wrist, it still played as it hopped with its fingers across the keys, crawling on your wrist in a playful way.

You both giggled as Varian grabbed his hand back.

" Pardon my enthusiasm." He said with a chuckle.

" I like your enthusiasm." You replied with a smile.

The boy smiled, it slowly faded as the boy looked to the ground.

" So, I'm sure Edwin must be missing you. When are you to be married?" He asked in a quiet voice.

You sighed before cupping his face and turning it towards you.

" We're not."

" You're- w-wait- what?" He said, confusion in his features.

" Let me start at the beginning. It'll make more sense that way." You told him about how yours and Edwin's families arranged a marriage, when you hadn't even met eachother, and how it was for Edwin's family benefit, or else they would be in the poor house. You told him about how you messed up the wedding rehearsal vows, and ran into the forest, where you attempted to practice and eventually put the ring on a random twig, which as fate would have it, on Varian's dead cold finger.

" When you climbed to the terrace, and found me and Edwin hugging, it was because when i told him, that i did not want to marry him, he agreed. And said that he would fight to end the engagement between me and him. But when you came in, and scared him half to death, i wasn't able to ask to see my parents." You finished before catching your breath. Goodness, that was a lot to say.

" You...did not want to marry him?" Varian asked, his eyes snapped up hopefully.

" No, I'm in love with someone else. A lovely corpse groom named Varian. I hope he can take me as his bride. Or else this will all have been for naught." You grinned. The corpse groom stood, celebrating.

" Oh! So i've had it all wrong! Stupid Varian! Stupid stupid stupid." The boy scorned himself as he slapped his forehead.

Varian went and sat back down, looking at you. He seemed to be contemplating something, emotions warred in his ice blue eyes.

" Varian, what is it?" You asked, did he not return your feelings?

"I..." He started. " Y/n- you must understand. I've been left at the altar once. My life ended that night. And well....if we are to be together, there are some things you must know."

" All right." You said, preparing yourself.

Varian sighed, closing his eyes. This seemed to be painful to remember. " Y/n, this is the story of how i died. Well- the beginning of it is actually a very fun story, and the truth is, it isn't even mine. It all started with a girl, named...Rapunzel. And it starts," He took a breath.

Death Do We Part ( Varian x Reader Corpse Bride AU )Where stories live. Discover now