If I Touch A Burning Candle

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*********************************   Varian POV   *************************************

The corpse groom took elegant, sad steps as he made his way through an outdoor hall in the town, a coffin shaped fainting couch with red velvet cushioning sat waiting for him, with a small pillow sitting atop.

There was no housing in The Land Of The Dead, the building were mostly businesses, for no one slept. Their eternal slumber was taken away when they died.

Cobwebs littered the wood around him as the boy sat. Next to him, old withered flowers sat in a gardening pot. The boy looked over to them before grabbing the plants. He sighed as he picked at the ashy flowers.

" Roses, for eternal love." He said bitterly as he picked them out and crushed them in his bony hands, scattering them on the grey concrete.

" Lilies, for sweetness." He quietly said, picking the flowers out and crushing them aswell.

The teen heaved a heartbroken sigh as he picked out another handful of flowers.

" Baby's Breath." He said in a small voice, throwing the handful of flowers away from him. P/n daintily walked up, sniffing the flowers curiously before giving the corpse groom a doeful look.

The boy sat with his head hung low as a widow spider slowly lowered itself on a web next to him.

" Why so blue?" She asked.

" Maybe she was right, we are too different." Varian said.

" Maybe she should have her head examined." The maggots voice echoed in his head. Varian let out an annoyed huff as he pulled the maggot out of his ear.

" Perhaps she does belong with that other man." The corpse boy said. " Little mister living." He added bitterly. " With his rosy cheeks and beating heart." He set he head down on his hand as he pouted.

" Oh, those boys are ten a penny." The Widow told him. " You've got so much more. You've got...You've got a wonderful personality!"

A/N: I tried to find a good male version but they were all crap :3 so you're gonna have to imagine JJ's voice singing this.

Varian gave the widow a doubtful look and shook his head as music started to play.

" What does that wispy little brat have that you don't have double?" The maggot said.

"He can't hold a candle to the beauty of your smile." The widow sang.

The corpse boy rolled his eyes. " How about a pulse?"

" Overrated by a mile." The maggot assured.

" Overfed." The widow agreed.

" Overblown!"

" If she only knew the you that we know~" The two sang together.

Varian sighed again as he turned away from the two, still not convinced. The widow crawled over to him.

" And that silly little creature isn't wearing her ring." She held up his bony finger.

" And he doesn't play piano." The maggot sang.

" Or dance."

" Or sing!"

" No he doesn't compare!" The two harmoniously said.

Death Do We Part ( Varian x Reader Corpse Bride AU )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora