chapter 8 painful reality

Start from the beginning

Valerie: d-did you do this? - she asked with fear.

Issei: *nod* that's right I have quite the ability though this is only a small piece of my power.

Valerie: *shocked* wait what...?

Issei: that's right so tell me what caused your distress?

Valerie: right...the alliance was threatening my father and my faction to marry the current pillar...

She said while griping her skirt tightly in absolute rage while issei was looking at this with a raised eyebrow.

Issei: *serious* tell me what happened during this past three months that I've died.

Valerie: right you haven't your former lovers were engaged to the new pillar with the recently married the queen of Gabriel lady griselda and Artemis.

Issei: really? The women who dislike impure things and beings along with the women who has a grudge against man was married to that guy? Wow the world makes no sense what so ever.

Valerie: right...but...umm.

Issei: what's wrong?

Valerie: well it's still hard to believe you came back...

Issei: *closes his eyes* I see well can't blame you for not believing me though its your choice and if you're curious on how I came back well let's just say that I climbed out the abyss.

He simply answered her question which made her to doubt a bit though she heard he came back after being cursed by Samael the ultimate dragon slayer which can destroy a dragons body and soul.

Valerie: alright I believe you though what are you going to do?

Issei: hmm...if things go wrong then here - hands her a piece of paper - use that to call me if you're in a pinch or in case of an emergency.

With that issei starts time again which made the guards to stop and look around the room only to see Valerie.

( Kuoh )
( Issei's house)

A portal opened then issei came out then he looks around and saw that Lucy was not around so he decided to look around and tried to sense her presence but he got nothing.

Issei: zero!

He called for the giant wolf who jumped from the second floor and landing infront of issei who had a serious look on his face.

Issei: *serious* zero look for Lucy within this town I will look in the underworld world.

The wolf nodded its head and headed out the house while issei opened a portal and went inside.

( Underworld)
( Gremory estate)

It was a huge mansion and inside was a young silver haired girl with a hint of purple on her hair she looks around the place.

Lucy: ' where are you sister...'

She thought with worry then she noticed the door of a certain room was slightly opened she walked towards it and saw something she didn't expect and it made her heart to sank down because she was witnessing her sister getting banged from behind by the current pillar.

Grayfia: Ah! Ah! Faster!

She moaned as she was being penetrated from behind while the current pillar was grinning lecherously.

Kevin: *grinning* hehehehe... whatever you say my maid is this your current state after you heard your sister died?

Grayfia: *moan* yes~

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