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I zipped up my black jacket as my mom, Callulm and I walk into Kyra, my mom's military friend, house. It was like I was thrown into one of those Tyler Perry movies. Kids playing outside, uncles playing cards while aunties were gossiping and enjoying each other's company. I hummed along to Luther Vandross.

"Faith!" Mrs. Kyra screamed happily. The two friends squealed greeting each other. "How are you?" she asked.

"Good, the drive was smooth. We already dropped our stuff off at the Holiday Inn." She grinned.

"Good. Oh, look at you, Miss Tiffany." She fluffed my hair that was finally out of those braids. I had also decided to bleach the ends into a lighter brown, giving me a gorgeous ombré that made my curls pop. I wore dark grey high-waisted dress pants with a white tank top and cardigan, though my jacket covered it. I also wore my necklace Anthony got me. When my mom first saw it, she was squealing like she was the one who received a gift. I knew she was just happy that I had a boyfriend. "You know, I got a nephew you might like" she grinned. I blushed.

"I actually have a boyfriend." I smiled shyly.

"Ooo, Faith! " Kyra looked at mom, who gave her a knowing look.

"I know girl, they are growing up. Even Callum has a girlfriend." Callum blushed slightly.

"My goodness. I used to change your diapers. Now look at you. Taller than me and all handsome." she said to Callum. He blushed with a laugh. I chuckled as she invited us in.

"Y'all already know you're welcomed to anything. The boys are in Jeramies room," she looked at Callum who instantly disappeared. I chuckled and told them I was going to the buffet table. Kyra always had a buffet table where people would the put food they brought. I grabbed Turkey, greens, mac and cheese, and dressing before grabbing sparkling and grape juice going to sit down.


I had taken off my jacket on my second round of food, but with just yams and corn this time. When this guy walked up tome.

" Hey mama, you're not my cous', right?" he asked. He leaned against one of the empty chairs looking at me. I had just put yams in my mouth. I shook my head as I looked at him. He was wearing a red shirt and black pants. His hair was cornrowed back. He sat down next to me when I said I wasn't.

"I'm Faith's daughter, " I said a little shocked.

"Oh shit! Tay!" he called. A girl walked in wearing a red tube top that had feathers at the top, and the same shade of red flarepants with the same feathers at the bottom. "This is faiths daughter!"

"Oh shit twin! "She grinned a dazzling smile. "Ma told us about you! You've so cute!"

"Oh hi! I thought y'all lived with you dad, "I said. I knew Ms. Kyra was divorced, but the kids wanted to live with their dad because he traveled often.

"We did, but his new wife is a bitch," Taylor said, she flipped her hair that was straighten to the Gods and then smiled. "This is Ryan by the way. I bet he didn't introduce himself," she gave her twin a look as he smiled sheepishly.

"Well, it's because I was going to ask if you wanted to smoke with us. You look cool," he said.

"Oh, no I don't smoke," I chuckled. I am a drinker though. I thought, while thinking about Halloween. Anthony house was close. I could walk. "Um, I do have a question though. How fair is the airport from here?"

"Um, like 10 minutes or so," Taylor looked at her brother and he nodded and the looked at me.

"Do you think I could walk?" They looked at each other, then back at me.

"Um, I guess you could, but it would be a journey. Plus I don't think there are sidewalks," Taylor said.

"Plus it crosses a highway, so you'd be fighting traffic." Ryan added.

"Trying to catch a flight?" Taylor teased.

"Nah, my friend lives over there," I chuckled softly. "It's ok, he'll come get me, "I decided. "Where is your trash can?' I asked.

"I'll take you," Taylor grinned.


I went into the backyard to watch the sunset to decide if I should make the journey. Though, Anthony hadn't texted me back, so I wasn't sure if he was still at his house or not. He must be with his family, like I should. But I really didn't want to sit in the kitchen with the ladies or hang out with the kids. I sighed and looked up at the clear sorbet sky: it was gorgeous. My thoughts were interrupted by a group of people coming outside,

"Nigga, if you don't shut up and just a pick team," A male wearing all white said.

"Bro don't talk to me like that, when you're out here looking like Jack Frost. You need to be worried about the grass stains you're about to get." Ryan snapped back. I take in a breath as I hear Anthony laugh as he tosses the football in the air.

Duh Tiffany. Didn't he tell me he had a cousin named Ryan and Taylor that were twins? I can't believe that slipped my mind. He was talking to his cousins animatedly as I had an enteral struggle. Do just walk up to him? I was instantly pulled to him, but I keep my self glued to my spot.

He looked so good. With a white long sleeved pulled up to his elbows, a black pair of ripped jeans with dressy boots. I already knew he smelt amazing.

I bit my bottom lip in debate. I could just walk up to him, but he was around his cousins, and his male cousins at that. In front of his friends, he would hold me and kiss my cheeks, but family and friends are different. And if Ryan was in a gang, would he act "hard" in front off him? Wait, Ryan was in a gang?! He seemed too goofy!

I took in another breath. Ok, calm down Tiffany. We can figure this out later. Be a woman, and walk up to your boyfriend and give him a kiss! I yelled at myself in my head and slapped my cheeks creating a pop. The males looked over at the noise and noticed me.

Well damn. I thought as Anthony's went from confusion, to realization, to happiness.

"Tiffany." he said happily. I waved lamely as he gave the ball to Jack Frost and came to me to hug me. "Were you just gonna stand there awkwardly?" he teased. I hugged him shyly, knowing there was a group watching.

"I didn't know what to do. I was shocked." I replied. He grinned at me and tilted my chin up and pressed a kiss to my lips. I blushed brightly as the sound of the Ohio Players Fire, faded into the background as I fell into my personal love spell.



I'm back! Did you miss me? I hope so! As usual, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! We are so close to 500 views. It would make my day with we can get to 500 before my birthday, which is May 19th. Please share and give Secret Crush a vote! 

See you soon,


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