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"We're going to Kyra's house on Thanksgiving you know she bought that new house, so she's going to throw a party," my mom said as we leave H-E-B. Thanksgiving was tomorrow and mom decided to do late shopping this year. I decided to go with her because I didn't want to sit in the house with my father. Plus, Mom was cool, I didn't mind spending time with her.

"Oh, ok," I replied. She looked at me at my bland response. I made a crazy face at her and she slapped my arm with a scoff. I grinned at her as she smirked.

"You never told me, how are things going in school?" she asked as she drove.

"They are good. I'm more excited for next semester though because I'll have Technology Design," She hummed with pride.

"You're so smart Anthony," she said proudly. I felt warm at the compliment, but also a bit disheartened. At least mom of thought so.

"Dad doesn't think so, " I mumbled. She gasped.

"Don't say that, you're father does and knows that you've smart. He just also recognizes that you're talented. He loves you, Anthony. We both do," she said and grabbed my hand. I looked at her, then out the window.

Of course, she takes his side. All they care about is me playing in the NBA. I hope I break my leg. I thought with a frown.


"Hi, Grandma!" I grinned at the older woman who sat in her rocking chair. We were picking her up before we headed to Kyra's house,

"Ooh, look at my grandbaby," she said standing, using her cane. She hugged me tightly and pulled me down so she could kiss my cheek. "Every time I see you, you get more handsome. I made you some cake so you can take it with you" she cupped my face.

"Ok granny," I said with a laugh. My dad's mom was my only living grandma. He had one other sibling, Aunt Caitlin. My dad's sister was visiting her daughter, my cousin Charlotte, with my other cousins in Georgia. She and her boyfriend had recently moved into an apartment together and wanted to celebrate. Granny said she didn't want to get on a plane, so she stayed. "How have you been?" I asked her.

"Oh, you know, " she said and then grinned. "Hi sweetheart," she hugged my dad. As I stood puzzled. What did that even mean? Before I could dive too deep into my grandma's mystical language, my phone buzzed.

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a great day. Btw, I'm in Killeen. We're going to my mom's friend's house. I was wondering if you wanted to get brunch tomorrow. 2:27 p.m.

My fingers moved with haste.

Happy Thanksgiving! Of course! I can pick you up. Honestly, we can hang out tonight if your mom is cool with it at 2:28 p.m.

I wasn't sure how big her mom was on holiday.

I will ask. I miss you <3.2:29

I smile softly. She sent a heart!

"What are you smiling about?" Grandma asked.

"Tiffany is going to be in Killeen. We might hang out later," I looked at my parents, then Grandma.

"Who is Tiffany?"

"My girlfriend.


Here is the next chapter! The next chapter will be able Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love food and feel like that's the one day people don't judge how much you eat. Though, I suppose, you shouldn't care about what people think anyways. But you get what I'm saying.

What is your favorite holiday?

I will see you guys tomorrow!


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