The Beggining

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Taylor's POV (yes Taylor is here) I was woken up by my best friend, Lily bursting into laughter. I grabbed the pillow I was using and threw it at her. "OWWWIE! What was that for?!" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders and said sarcastically, "well. Somebody called Lily woke me up. I wonder why I threw a pillow at her?" She laughed as I got up and got my clothes. A VenturianTaleshirt I tie-dyed, an iHasCupquake hoodie, really longYouTube socks, skinny jeans, and black high top converse. The YouTube sock is called that because it has a bunch of YouTube-y things! Like the VenturianTale emblem, a cupcake, a fox, a kawaii kitty (for LDShadowLady) and other things like that. I also like to call it my 'anime socks' because usually girls in anime wear long socks! Like super duper long socks. I went to the washroom and changed. Once I had finished I walked out and twirled around for Lily to see what I wore. "DAYUM GIRL!" She exclaimed. I laughed and gestured to her to twirl for me. She did so. "SHOW ME YOUR WAYS, MASTER!" I yelled out and got down on my knees. We bursted into laughter then I asked her what I should do to my hair. "Do what Allaray Roo does to hers! But straighten it." She said sassily. I don't know why... I did know why she said to straighten my hair though. My hair is quite wavy so in order to have hair like Allaray Roo I'd have to straighten it. I did my hair and showed her. "SWAGISIOSSSSSSSSSSHHHH!" She cried out. I laughed then we headed out of our apartment. I ran back in and grabbed my headphones. Just plain yellow. But not gross terrible puke yella! I caught back up to Lily. "Sorry I had to get my headphones." I said. "TYPICAL TAYLOR." She replied. I rolled my eyes playfully then she noogied me. "Ack stahp!" I cried out covering my head so she couldn't noogie me. She really liked to do that.
We waited at the bus stop until the bus came. We got on and waited about 15 minutes to get to our college. Once we had walked in we shut our mouthes and walked to our class. We luckily were early and not late. We all knew what would happen if you were late to class. The professor, Mrs. Butt (I referenced something from Wonder. Anybody read that book? It's good :D) would yell at us and we would learn nothing. That's what I heard at least. I chose a desk and sat down. Lily quickly followed and took one next to me. In front of us were two boys who looked athletic and the guys the girls would fight for. To our left looked like gamers possibly. To our right looked like the 'perfect' girls from high school movies. I recognized one of them. I don't know from where but I do.


Once class ended I started walking but then the girl I recognized stopped me in my tracks. "Hey, Taylor!" She yelled in my ear. Her boyfriend Danny laughed at that.  "Ow..." I muttered under my breath. I waved. "What's up?" Lily asked. She ignored her. "Taylor wanna be partners for the project. "Oh uh... Sorry, friend I'm partners with Lily." I said. "Dude. Remember me? I'm Regina. Your best friend in high school?" She snapped. I knew I remembered her! "I-I do." I replied. I jogged out of the class and started walking. Lily walked out shortly after I and we walked to Starbucks. "Starbucks run?" She asked. "Of course!" I replied. "Wait wait. You're gonna say: TYPICAL TAYLOR." She nodded. I laughed as we walked into Starbucks. I got in line. It was so long! In front of me I saw two tall boys. One with light brown hair and the other with dark brown hair. Next to them was a ginger and a brunette with white streaks in her hair. Was that who I thought it was?! Noooo it couldn't have been! I was snapped out of my thoughts when somebody grabbed my shoulders and kissed my cheek. I looked at who it was and it was my brother, Erik. "Erik! I've missed you dude!" I said happily then crossed my arms and put a mad expression on my face. He chuckled and walked over to Lily. "Who's this beautiful young lady?" He whispered in my ear. "Lily. Don't go crushing on her now. Just... Don't. Trust me." I whispered back. The people in front of me tapped my shoulder. "Yes?" I asked. My eyes then shot open and I grabbed Lily. She looked where I did and nearly fell. I yanked her up. "Oh uh sorry." Lily and I said like dorks. "Don't worry about it." The boy with light hair said then smiled. "We were gonna let you order first. We don't know what we want." The ginger said. "Oh okay. Thanks!" Lily said. I squealed quietly and then ordered. Two cotton candy fraps. Yummmm! We walked out of the store and took the bus back with my brother. He was staying with us for the weekend. He didn't want anything from Starbucks. Once we got home I turned on the TV and started watching Doctor Who but then I heard a knock. "UGHHHH" I said. I got up and opened the door. "OH.. UHH. Hi. HI." I said stupidly. I stared at the girl in the hallway.

Cliffhanger! You're probably so mad at me for making such a short chapter. I had delete some of it or it wouldn't be a cliffy :D who do you think was there? Why do you think she was there? YOU'LL FIND OUT NEXT TIME! This is a new book with TheDifferentFanGurl and as usual a fan fiction. Once again VenturianTale cuz why nat?! I'll see you next chapter! By the way the picture above was made by TheDifferentFanGurl BETHANY OUUT!

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