"Did he find a new owner?" Cheng asked, asking if the boy got a new girlfriend.

"He found one while he was still with me" Xia said, telling Cheng that the boy cheated on her.

"Damn" Cheng whispered. He sighed, knowing that he owed Xia and apology for how he acted towards her.

"Xia...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for being an asshole to you. I'm sorry for making you leave" Cheng said, avoiding eye contact out of shame.

"You didn't make me leave. I had to go find out who I was. I couldn't do that here with..." Xia paused, not wanting to mention their father.

"Yeah... I get it" Cheng said.

"But I found who I am so I can help you find out who you are because being fifteen is stressful and confusing" Xia said.

"I'm confused as hell" Cheng said, leaning back in his chair.

"Come talk with me about it" Xia said before standing from her seat. Cheng followed her as she grabbed her keys.

"Mom! We're going out!" Xia called out.

"Do you need the car?" Jing asked. Xia looked at Cheng who shook his head.

"No thank you!" Xia said.

"Ok! Be safe!" Jing responded.

"Grab your basketball" Xia told Cheng. He grabbed his ball and left to the park with Xia. As they were walking down the sidewalk, the atmosphere was tense between them.

"So, what's going on?" Xia asked breaking the silence.

"A lot. A lot has been going on" Cheng said.

"What do you want to know?"

"Who is this Kiara I keep hearing about from mom? She told me that she's your new friend and she works for that dinosaur that teaches you Kung Fu" Xia said, smirking at her younger brother.

"Master Li?" He asked.

"Yeah him" she waved it off.

"That's all true, but there's something else"

"I like her" he admitted. Xia gasped, covering her mouth.

"Not as a friend but I really like her" Cheng felt like a weight had been lifted off of him with being able to talk about this with his sister. He truly missed her.

"What the hell have I missed?! Oh my god! I didn't get to give you the girl talk" Xia said, sounding stressed.

"I heard the girl talk. I hated the girl talk. I don't want to hear the girl talk again" Cheng said.

"What is she like?" Xia asked excitedly. The two reached the nearly empty park.

"She's... she's a lot" Cheng said. Xia furrowed her eyebrows.

"Elaborate" she said. They found a basketball hoop and Xia snatched the ball from Cheng.

"She's beautiful, insanely intelligent, a talented artist and very loyal. She's brave, forgiving and so generous" Cheng said.

"Wow" Xia said as she bounced the ball.

"She's helped me grow in a way" Cheng shrugged as Xia threw the ball at the basket, missing by an inch.

"How?" She asked as she grabbed the ball. Cheng snatched the ball from his sister and began dribbling.

"I'm nicer, which is kind of sickening. I'm more open and I try harder at the things I'm bad at, like math." Cheng said.

Push & Pull- Karate Kid 2010Where stories live. Discover now