I am so sorry babes

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Hey y'all...IM NOT DELETING SHIT but I'm sorry that I haven't been posting like I should. With finals about to kick my ass and bury me, I've been pretty preoccupied. And I've been working on a TVD  and Twilight story at the same time, which was fucking dumb but hey, I can't stay focused for shit. But I'm am working on three new chapters for this story and getting into the chase scene. OOOO it's too good. But anyways, I hope y'all are living amazing and fufilling lives and that y'all have found y'all's peace and have a beautiful night.

If you're reading this at the time I've posted it, TAKE YOUR ASS TO BED NEOW!!!

Love yall 🫶🏾🫶🏾
-Accident Child

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