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7𝐭𝐡 𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑, 1977, Yuvaan Sharma married Natasha Hawthorn. It wasn't a marriage of love. It was a business deal. Between two families. However, eventually, they did fall in love with eachother. On 17𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐄, 1980, a baby girl was gifted to them. They named her Alaya (meaning : abode). Alaya was the light in the dark house the Sharmas lived in. Beloved by all, she was raised to be both, a kind soul and a rough warrior.

But the same year, (before he was completely destroyed and burned to ash) an illegitimate child was born to the Dark Lord. The mother died during childbirth. Hence now the Dark Lord had a son. A responsibility. It were dismissed as rumors at first, but the admission of Mattheo Riddle at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry proved many wrong. Only the teachers knew he was the son of The Dark Lord, but after Cedric Diggory's murder in 1994, The name Riddle had quite a reputation. He was feared. And he liked it.

But there are also family secrets none know of. Summer of 1984. The Sharmas were suffering from a financial crisis. Yuvaan Sharma turned his way to alcohol and became reckless. But, as every other problem, this one had a loophole too. But the cost was too much. The Dark Lord wanted a strong leader to revive his army. He offered Mr. Sharma his entire army, in exchange of his daughter's hand in marriage for his son. You see, another prophecy was read out. According to that, if the Dark Lord's son married a girl who held the greatest power in the universe, HE would be powerful enough to conquer the world. It wasn't a difficult task to find out who the exceptional girl was, and when he did, Voldemort proposed a deal like this.

Mr. Sharma only cared about his position and money, so he agreed, forgetting the promise he made to his beloved wife years ago. Yuvaan had broken the promise of never arranging or forcing his daughter into a marriage. Which, would break Natasha's heart too. But that would happen only when she'd find out. For the next 5 years, the deal was pretty much concealed. The Sharmas had regained their popularity and money again. Until one day, Natasha found the papers of the deal in a secret cabinet.

A huge fight broke out between the husband and wife. It escalated to a level where Yuvaan had slapped Natasha. Never in a dream Yuvaan would do that. But as they say, more the money, more the ego and less the humanity. Natasha packed her bags and fled away to the U.S. with 9 year old Alaya. She enrolled Alaya in Ilvermony academy, and made the decision to never go back. 4 years passed and to this day Yuvaan would send letters to his wife and daughter. The letter Yuvaan sent on Alaya's 15th bday melted the heart of Natasha and she decided to go back to him. But not even a chameleon can wear the same color forever. It always changes and goes back to its true colors. Turns out Yuvaan Sharma only wrote those letters too draw back his wife and daughter back to London. Because Alaya had turned 15. And according to the contract, she had to be married when she was 18. Of course his true intentions weren't understood until Alaya turned 17. When she learnt about her arranged marriage. When she was forced to engage Mattheo Riddle. The boy she hated with her body and soul.

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