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Lunchtime is starting to be my favorite session. This little chipmunk is so amazing, Yes that's one of her nicknames because of how short she is. We spend one lunchtime together and suddenly it's our thing to be spending time with each other every lunchtime, I am going to feed my delusions and call it a date.

I wanted to know more about her because she really sparked my interest. "Rea, let's play 21 questions, "I said. I looked down at her only to see she was sleeping, aww She is so cute, I'll just wait till she wakes up even though I really want to get to know her. I have the rest of the week, school term to get to know her.

my baby is so pretty mayne.

I decided to stop behaving like a creep and get my phone out to do some revision from the previous topic from agri class. I got my book out and started making notes in case my teacher asked about it or just for studying.

I turned my head to check  if my baby woke up only to see she was there staring at me with a familiar glint in my eye that  I know all too well ."heyy pretty girl, how did you sleep?" I ask."I slept really well, what are you doing "she replies rubbing her eyes.

"I am reviewing a topic that was just done for agri class" I reply"Do you have data, I wanna review too, plus you look so studious it would be unfair to have you reviewing while I'm studying," she says.

I nodded my head giving an indication that yes I had data so she gave me her Chromebook to put in the password." You want to be like me so bad, it's no issue if you sleep while I revise, well let's call it a date then" I say."ehh you caught me well fine by me, it's a date then" she replies shrugging.

She started working so I decided to just return back to my work. Suddenly I felt she took my hand and started running circles. This girl is really doing something to me and I would lie if I said I didn't like it. I feel so connected and drawn to this girl and I just met her.

After a couple of minutes had passed, I checked the time and saw that it was 20 minutes prior to lunchtime ending so I started to pack up because I wanted to spend these last 20 minutes with my baby ."I have two questions and the first one is Are you finished reviewing "I ask." Yeah I was just fooling around waiting till you're finished" she replies.

"I want to get you more, so would you do me the honor of playing 21 questions with me ?"I ask She nods her head yes. "Okay, so first question, what's your full name" I ask."My name is  Reanna Jada Morgan, What about you "she replies."My name is  Aaron Christopher Valentine"I say. "Your name is so pretty "we both complimented each other.

"Okay so what's your favorite color," she asks. "my favorite color is blue" I reply ."oh really, it's my fav color as well," she says smiling."Who is your favorite parent and why" I ask.

"My mom is my favorite person because she is the only parent I have and knows, "pretty girl says. "I don't have a favorite parent" I reply shrugging. I took my phone out to check the time because the last time I checked it was 10 minutes left for lunchtime to finish. "Well, we have about three more questions before the bell rings so we have to make it snappy," I say.

"Well 1. why are you acting like we do not have the same form class and 2. we do not have to do all this right now, Look how much time we have together, "she says. "I mean you are right, Let's walk to class and we will ask the other 3 questions okay pretty?"I ask.

She nods her head indicating that she agrees with my suggestion. She starts to pack up and I help her by cleaning up the area where we were sitting and carrying her bag. It didn't take us long before we arrived at the classroom, and as usual, sir was not there.

"At the moment sir is always late, Let me get a piece of folder paper so I can write down these names, "pretty girl asks. I took my paper folder and gave her a pen in case she didn't have any.

I placed the bags down at our seats and placed my head on the desk till pretty girl was finished. "Unnu deven deh nor a talk so why yah get so close up with har, make yknow I will beat a gyal ovah me man, do it already and will do it again, "tia say

But when she even reach deh so or in a the class, put down my head for one minute and all of a sudden crawsis start to attack me, God uh see this!

I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter guys <3!

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