Stepping out of the building, you feel goosebumps grow on your arms. It was cold. Stupid cold. A gust of frigid wind blew around you as you glance around. The snow from earlier still lies on the ground. It was thinner, the dead grass poked through from under the white coat of snow, putting in a last-ditch effort to prevent winter from taking control of the landscape.

Your feet splash slightly against the wet pathway as you chase after California. After the cold stopped you in your tracks, she managed to get so far ahead of you that she almost disappeared from view. By the time you reach her side again, she's taken a seat on a snow-covered bench.

She stares over at you expectantly, and you take a seat next to her. Silence still befalls your conversation for a long while. California glances upwards at the dreary sky, shutting her eyes tightly. She doesn't move or flinch for what feels like hours, even when snow began drifting down from the grey clouds hanging overhead.

Finally, she moves again. It had only been a handful of moments, but the stillness of her and the surrounding environment stretched the time to feel like you had travelled miles in such a short period of time. She rummages around in her pocket, pulling out a lidded box and a lighter. She flips the lid open, extending it toward you.

"No thanks..." You slink away from the gesture, starting out towards the street in front of you. It was empty. Illuminated only by the street lights on either side of the road, it had no sight or sign of any souls existing in it, save for you and California. The stench of a cigarette fills your nose and you reflexively shrivel inwards.

You turn back to the state, watching as a puff of smoke leaves her mouth. She sighs loudly, slinking down in the bench, resting her elbow on the metal arm of the bench. She stares upward for a moment before glancing to you. You fold your hands in your lap.

The snow continues to drift around the two of you. It twinkles in the sky, glowing with the same colour of a child's drawing of the stars. California stares at you for a long time, neglecting the cigarette that burns in her hand. It smoulders and smokes in her hand.

"You're strange."

"I know." You shake your head at the sudden comment.

"I'm sure you do..." She turns away from you, taking a long drag from the cigarette. The breath she takes after paints the area in front of her in a smoggy swath. "But I doubt you know just how strange you are."

"What's that supposed to mean?" A bead of water drips down your arm. The cold feeling cause you to shiver, banging your bruised arm as your body stiffens.

"It's not every day someone has the balls to stand up to America of all people..." She laughs quietly, hanging her arm down over the arm of the bench, dropping the cigarette out of your sight, "Even we... Everyone in that building struggles with his temper, and there you go, showing up one day, and telling him off the next."

"Oh..." You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks from sudden embarrassment. "Did you hear all of that?"

"Nah," She pulls the cigarette to her lips, "Just the 'barren wasteland of disappointment' part. Well, a little bit before that, but y'know."


"It's weird. You just show up... Tell him exactly what the rest of us have been too scared to say, and manage to..." She lets out a sigh resting a hand on her forehead. "Weren't you scared? How'd you do it?"

"What...?" You stare at California, a perplexed look donning your face, "Of course I was scared! I was practically shitting myself the entire time!" You sigh loudly, leaning forward, resting your face in your hand, "Of course I was scared. Of course, I was. But I was angry too. More angry than I was afraid, I guess.

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