"Please Don't remind me. I haven't aimed to intentionally hurt him since we were little."

"You should get angry more often, it's sexy." She smiles playing with the string of my jogging pants. She leans down and places a kiss on my lips before looking at me with a wide doe eyed smile.

"What are you thinking about?" I sit up tracing the tattoo on her neck.

"I want to take you on an official date. It's late so nothing crazy. Just a simple date. We've been doing this for so long and we've never been together in public."

She's right, we've been tugging at a relationship for so long. Now we're able to freely have one we can go on dates.

"Okay." I smile.

She quickly kisses my lips. "I'll be back here to get you at ten."

"What are we going to do after ten?"

"Always so many questions Angel, I'll be back then." She smiles cutely before leaving. I'm so in love with that girl, it should be illegal to love someone like this.

Seeing as I only had forty-five minutes to get dressed. I just freshened up my hair and kept my jogging suit on. When I got the text that she was outside I walked down to the south dorm parking lot but I didn't see her black Mustang.

She popped from the side of a blue pickup truck.

"Why do you have Joe's truck?" I giggle.

"We're going on a date!" She smiles helping me inside the truck before closing my door. She hopped in on the driver's side and reached over to put my seatbelt on. She's been doing that for forever. I know I should put my seatbelt on but something about her leaning over my lap and putting it on for me makes it more exciting.

We drive for a little bit and once we hit the last turn I know where we're going. It used to be my sister's favorite place, the drive-in movie. A smile is plastered on my face.

"I take it you know where you're going?" She wraps her hand over my thigh.

"The pick-up truck, the direction. We're going to the drive-in." I grin.

After getting inside, we set out a blanket on the back of the truck and she got me an assortment of my favorite snack. It wasn't the most extravagant date but it meant a lot because I was here under her.

We watched a horror movie and then a rom-com. Sometime after the Horror movie Kat fell asleep on my chest sadly but I knew it would happen. I fell asleep almost right after the second movie started.


"Rue, Angel wake up." Kat shakes me.

"What time is it?" I search for my phone but it's in the cab.

"Five thirty, let me get you home. I wonder why they didn't wake us up?" She attempts to fix her unkempt hair.

"The night shift security leaves at midnight and another one doesn't come until eight am. We use to always sleep here." I say.

The sun hasn't risen yet, it will in the next thirty minutes or so. I have a wild idea but when she's by my side I feel as if I can accomplish anything set in front of me.

"Do you trust me?" I ask.

She looks confused. "Of course."

I take the keys from her once we pack the truck up. "What are you doing Angel?"

"I'm driving us to see the sunset at this really good spot." I smile.

I get in the car and start it up. Once I adjust my chair the nerves kick in. Kat places her hand on my leg. "You can do this, let's replace a bad memory with a good one." She smiles placing a kiss on my cheek.

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