chapter one

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Summary: john and marlena has a daughter name Isabella.

Chapter one.

October 21, 1993.

Marlena is in labor and her and john are at the hospital.

"What do you need?.

john asked his wife as he was rubbing her arm with his free hand.

Marlena was rolled on her side with her eyes screwed shut as she tried to breathe through the contraction.

She just shook her head and kept taking shaky breaths.

John eyed the clock and it was almost ninety seconds before marlena was able to relax.

She rolled on her back with a moan.

"You're doing great, john told his wife.

"Yea. Yea, if we have any more kids, you're going through labor next time.

Marlena joked as john chuckled quietly.

Marlena's back was positively killing her and she couldn't get comfortable in any position.

She had been walking earlier but the contractions had gotten too close and strong for her to do that anymore.

They'd tried the bath tub about an hour ago but marlena had gotten really hot and uncomfortable, even when they'd tried to lower the temperature of the water.

"Hey, marlena, we're going to check and see how far you've dilated.

The doctor told her as she cane into the room.

Marlena nodded as wiggled down in the bed so the doctor could check her.

The doctor had told marlena that she was progressing through labor quicker than a majority of her first time moms.

Marlena,You're moving along fast! You And are officially in the last stage of labor.

You're eight centimeters, you'll be meeting your baby very soon, the doctor told her.

Marlena was floored because she had read several parenting books and researched online that labor for a first time mom often lasted twenty to twenty four hours.

She hadn't been prepared for this to happen so fast.

John kissed marlena's forehead as His heart had been racing since they got to the hospital but he felt it speed up even faster when he realized that within a few hours,
his baby would be here.

He would be able to physically hold him or her in his arms.

John couldn't wait to know if he had a little girl or boy. He didn't care which one he was having, he just wanted them to be healthy.

Thank you, john told the doctor before she left the room.

"Here comes another one.

marlena said as she  reached out for John's hand.

John quickly slid his hand across the bed so she could hold it.

Marlena winced as the pain rippled through her belly and doubled her over on the bed.

She let out another moan as she squeezed john's hand tightly.

Marlena barely got her bearings back and another contraction hit her.

"You got this, john coached her as he tucked a few pieces of hair behind her ear with his free hand.

John hated seeing marlena in this much pain.

Isabella Where stories live. Discover now