Miss Abby has been extra tough on us this week, and it's a little scary. I just don't want to mess up the group and make it lose.

•Two days to Nationals•

Miss Abby decided to take us to the lake today! It's nice to have a little break from dance, so I was excited. But the moms weren't coming, so it was just Miss Abby and us kids.

"Let's go! Come on, guys. Everybody brought a towel?"

We made our way over to the van, holding our towels. Mine was Beauty and the Beast, and I love it!

"Is everyone in a seat belt?" Miss Abby asked. I still had to bring my car seat, as always. I couldn't seem to buckle it in, so Maddie had to help me.

"Yeah," she replied, fastening her own seat belt next to me.

"Yeah. Okay. Alright," Miss Abby said, about to get in the car. I noticed Christi begin to talk to her through the window. "Alright, let's go!"

We drove to the lake, Maddie insisting on playing Justin Bieber the whole time. I wanted Taylor Swift, but everyone else wanted Justin Bieber.

We finally arrived at the lake, and I was super excited. There was a large grassy area, perfect for doing tricks. I ran and did a cartwheel while still holding my towel.

"Look at the mountains," Miss Abby spoke, pointing at the mountains in the distance. They were big.

We set out our towels and began looking at the view from the railing. It was hard to see since the sun was in our eyes.

"Girls, I brought you here because I'm so tired of you just being in a hotel ballroom and the competition. You need to see the world," Miss Abby explained.

She then told us to lie down on our towels and stretch. Damn, even when we're not in the studio we've still gotta do dance related things. Why can't we just have fun at the lake?

Miss Abby was helping us do some strengthening and lengthening the back of the leg. It felt good, and she made me stretch a lot more then I usually do.

"And how about 'I'm beautiful on the inside.' Can I hear it?" Miss Abby asked as we stood up on the towels. My legs felt like jelly.

"I'm beautiful on the inside," we spoke at the same time.

"Girls, I want you to sit here and enjoy the view and relax. Chloe, come on. I want you to take a walk with me real quick," Miss Abby said, and Chloe walked over to her. They both turned away from us and walked off.

The girls sat and watched, probably try to eavesdrop. I couldn't hear anything, they were too far away.

"Do you think there's penguins in there?" Nia asked, pointing to the water. We all laughed.

"I can just imagine a penguin flopping around on the grass like this," Paige said. She stood up and started waddling like a penguin. We laughed again.

"That would be so funny," Kenzie added.

"Okay, here's a fun question," Paige started, grabbing our attention. "If you guys didn't dance, what would you do?"

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