"No," I insisted, "Without you, I don't think I would have been able to do this. I would have had a total meltdown on the track, it would have been horrible. But no, instead you took care of me, making sure I had what I needed, distracting me from beating myself up. And most importantly—you believed in me."

"Course I did, because I knew you could do it," he whispered.

"We're actually a pretty good team, you and I," I said after a minute, my fingers trailing into Aston's hair gently.

"The best team," he agreed. With this statement I was awarded another languid kiss, and then we parted, Aston's arm wrapping around my shoulders as we walked back towards Joe and my family.

"So I think this calls for a massive party tonight!" my Dad declared.

I caught both Joe's and Aston's eyes, and the three of us burst out laughing. "Sure Dad," I replied, "How about a nice meal, the five of us? Joe you could bring Kat and Stella of course."

"Sure," my Dad said, while Joe gave me an affirmative nod.

The next few hours went by quickly. My parents went off to watch more races, and Joe, Aston and I hung in the Athlete's portion of the track while I awaited more information about my Olympic qualification.

Word came through that I was an Official selection about two hours after my race, and with it I received another round of hugs. It was amazing to sit back in the Athlete's area and get congratulations from all the other racers. We were all one team now, Team Great Britain.

Eventually we left the track and headed off to get ready for a meal. Aston had arranged something while I'd been busy talking to the Olympic Committee officials, which gave us a good two hours to go back to mine, get changed, and then meet up with everyone else.

"God your amazing," Aston mumbled as he sat on my bed and watched me pick through my wardrobe for something suitable to wear. He'd told me I should wear my new "Team GB" t-shirt, but I thought that was tacky.

"I'm just going for a quick shower," I said, once I'd finally picked something to wear, "Hell, I'm still in my racing kit."

"Not opposed to that," Aston laughed. 

I wandered into the bathroom and turned the water on, stripping out of my racing gear and leaving it in a heap on the floor. As I was about to climb into the shower, the doorknob twisted and a cheeky looking Aston slipped into the steamy bathroom.

"Excuse me?" I said to him, a laugh on my voice.

"Ummm... Yeah," he laughed, stripping off his clothes too.

I let my laughter escape as I climbed into the shower, my boyfriend hot on my heels.

"So," I giggled, "Disney World will have to wait."

"Don't worry," Aston grinned, "I already booked it for late September."

"You what?"

"I figured you'd win today, or at least qualify. I booked everything last night... Ten days in Florida, just me and you."

"But..." I started, only to be shut up by Aston's lips on my own.

"Love you," he whispered, pulling me into his arms for what turned into a nice fifteen-minute shower full of love and passion.

If we hadn't booked our reservations already, I would have insisted on celebrating the next day, caught up in my loved up world. But as it was, Aston and I had to untangle ourselves from one another long enough to get dressed and head off to meet my parents, Joe, and his family. 

We were sat at a big round table in a beautiful garden, at a restaurant just out of town. 

"Compliments of the owner," the waiter said, bringing a large bottle of champagne out to us. It had a card that read "Go Team GB!!" on it, and I couldn't help but grin as it was passed to me.

"Pop it!!" Aston called out, causing a stir around us.a

I so wanted to shake it and spray it at him, but I resisted, popping it dutifully and pouring out glasses to everyone at the table.

"What about yours?" my Dad asked me. I smiled gently at him and then gave myself half a glass, holding it up for a toast.

"To the best family a girl could ask for!"

"To the Olympics!"

"To a new British record!"

As our glasses clinked together I couldn't help but let another round of tears start to fall.

I didn't know if I was going to win a gold medal at the Olympics, or any medal for that matter. But I did know that I had my national record, by two seconds.

I didn't know if my father would turn back to his old ways in a matter of minutes. Or if we'd manage to keep those perfect two seconds, when he said he was proud of me, forever.

And, I didn't know if this thing with Aston and I would last, but all it took was just two seconds of vulnerability on a bad night and our histories would linked for the rest of our lives.

What I did know, was that in that moment I had everything I ever wanted: the dream, the boy, and my father's acceptance. 

And all it took was two seconds.

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