• Shifts •

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Shifting is the experience of transitioning into a state closer to one's kintype, theriotype, or other identitiy/s. The otherkin and Therian communities consider it quite common or even expected. 
While shifts are quite common among Therians, not every Therian experiences shifts. Some therians have shifts daily, others may only have one once in a lifetime. 

As imagined, there are many types of shifts. Mental and phantom shifts are the two types of shifts that are discussed the most often. However, there are many types of shifts, and it is common for a person to only experience only one or a few types of shifts. The types of shifts are often abbreviated to one or two letters, such as referring to mental shifts as m-shifts.
Shifts cause a person's animal side to be expressed more fully than normal. They can be voluntary or involuntary: some people find that they happen randomly or are brought on by strong emotions, some can enter shifts deliberately, and some need to perform specific rituals in order to induce them. Such as listening to nature meditation music, eating your theriotypes food, or watching a documentary of your theriotype/s. 
Some people experience being constantly shifted in one way or another, most commonly with phantom shifts. People who experience this may still have periods of stronger and more dramatic shifts in these traits.
Some people see their human and nonhuman perspectives as occurring simultaneously. This experience can be called contherianthropy or suntherianthropy in the Therian community.
Many people who experience shifts report having had them their whole life, but only coming to understand what they were after awakening or learning about nonhuman identity.
Coping with Shifts
Some people may find shifts overwhelming or uncontrollable, especially if they are young or newly awakened. As a result, guides and discussions on coping with shifts are common in otherkin and particularly therian spaces. Common recommendations for things to do during shifts include exercise, using stim toys or pet toys, and expressing one's animal side through art or other creative outlets. It is also commonly suggested to manage stress to avoid triggering inopportune shifts, and to let close people know about shifting so they can be a source of support.

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