• What Therianropy is NOT •

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Because therianthropy is experienced differently by people upon such a wide spectrum, a lot of misconceptions and misinformation about what therianthropy truly is, can be spread. With this being said, im going to list some of the things that is commonly confused with Therianthropy, but is not.
1. Being a Therian and being a Furry are not the same. Furries are individuals who are especially interested in anthropomorphic* or cartoon animals (e.g., Bugs Bunny). They often strongly identify with anthropomorphic* animals and create fursonas, identities of themselves as those anthropomorphic animals. While a Therian identity themselves as an actual, real, animal (e.g., a praying mantis, a blue whale).

2. Therianthropy is not about past lives. You may have a past life as an animal, or believe you do, but that does not make you a therian. You have to identify yourself with that animal in your current life. (e.g., "He identifies as a sun bear in his current life,").

3. Therianthropy is not about quadrobics. Quadrobics are a form of sport. Non-therians do them in contest and competition. Saying this, you don't need to be a therian to do quadrobics! Although, a lot of therians enjoy doing or preforming quadrobics for plenty for reasons. Quadrobics can help therians feel connected to their theriotype/s and further embrace their therian side/self.

4. Therians are not zoophiles*. Of course, there is always going to be one bad apple that will make all the others look bad. But one therian does not represent all of them or the community! Therians are not sexually attracted to animals, even if they identify as animals. Because our identity and beliefs as therians are all phycological and not physical, we still have human functions and hormones, therefore, it would not make sense for us to be even remotely close to being attracted to animals.

5. Therianthropy is not about gear. Gear for a therian can be a faux fur, clip-on tail, paw gloves, masks, wings, horns, etc., or really anything that can help a therian feel more connected to their theriotype/s. A lot of therians don't think that gear helps them feel more connected to their theriotype/s, so they don't invest in it, and that's okay!
Does this mean that a non-therian can wear gear? Yes! Just as long as they do not call themselves a therian, then they can wear whatever they want!

6. Therianthropy is not a gender identity. Gender and therianthropy has nothing to do with each other, as the part of the brain the processes those types of feelings are different, of course we would not consider them the same.

anthropomorphic* - either human characters with strong animalistic characteristics or, animal characters with human characteristics

zoophile* - an individual that is sexually and/or romantically attracted to non-human animals

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