Y/N: Wait, so you only care about my mental wellbeing, you don't give a shit about Reggie?

Tyler: Of course not, why the fuck should I? He's a nobody to me.

Y/N: Okay, that was unexpected.

Tyler: I don't understand why you like him that much, but hey, we all have our weird traits, right?

Y/N: Yeah...it kinda feels like, I don't know man, you always know what I'm thinking. You always know where I am and what I'm doing.

Tyler: Are you calling me a stalker?

Y/N: No, it's just...how?

Tyler: Who knows? Maybe I'm taking some sweet Compound V myself and it grants me the ability to become invisible?

Y/N: You're kidding.

Tyler: Maybe, maybe not. I guess you'll never find out. Well okay, "never" is a bit of a strong word and you're a smart guy, so maybe you will find out one day. That is, if you survive long enough to find out.

Y/N: What is that supposed to mean? Why shouldn't I survive long enough to find out?

Tyler: I'll just tell you one thing, Vought will send you on some heavy ass missions and you'll be risking your life quite a lot.

Y/N: You sure do know a lot of things about Vought.

Tyler: Well, they've been around for a long time, so yeah, I do know some things about them.

Y/N: You're almost making it look like you once were a part of them.

Tyler: Nah, that shit is way too professional for me, I'd rather lay back and watch you do the work, while I give you some advice here and there.

Y/N: What's your advice for this race? Go easy on him and make it seem like it was close, or absolutely crush him and show the world that I'm the best?

Tyler: That depends. What's more important to you? Your friend, or your ego and the opinion of others?

Y/N: I don't know if I told you that, but he threatened to kill me if I took his place.

Tyler: Can you blame him? You're about to take everything that made him important from him. You made him spend millions of dollars just to keep his name.

Y/N: The fact he did that just shows that he knows he's gonna lose.

Tyler: Probably, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take this all seriously. He can still have an ace up his sleeve. I know his new outfit has no sleeves, but you know what I mean.

Y/N: Funny as always Tyler.

Tyler: You know me. Now, get out there and do what you have to.

Y/N: Right, see you after the race?

Tyler: You bet.

I left the locker room and went outside to the arena where I saw Reggie and another guy on the track.

Reggie: I'm gonna demolish you, boy!

He taunted him, but the other guy remained focused on the track.

The other guy was very familiar, but I just couldn't figure out who he was.

Y/N: Hey there, guys.

Reggie looked over to me, but not with an annoyed or hateful look like I expected, but with a confident smile.

Reggie: There you are. Ready to get destroyed?

He asked, jumping around as a warm-up.

Y/N: We'll see about that.

In A Rush | Mary Jane Watson X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now