~Chapter 6: an end marks a new beginning (2)~

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update; still on the computer, i believe i am getting used to it.... kinda, however all the beautiful pictures i had of Cale, goldie gramps and Beacrox are gone ;(


"Cale drinking like this isnt good for your health"

Violan took the bottle of liquor from the red head as she scolded, as they had gotten into this strange space of a god she had made it upon herself to get closer to the red head, she wanted to learn more about him, care for him and show the way she adored him, of course it was going to take time however they had gotten closer and more comfortable to each other so it wasn't at all impossible

"Hyung lets eat cookies together, ok?" Lily asked as she held up the plate of the chocolate chipped treat, a bright smile on her face as cale* nodded and took one of the cookies and bit into its soft body

"drinking all day isnt good for you other human!" Roan also shared his opinion as he got out an apple pie from his spatial dimension and placed it on the cookie plate "eat this instead! its much better"

"thank you Roan" Cale* patted the dragons sleek scales as he also took the apple pie and bit into it

over all a nice and friendly atmosphere had been created, small chatter and laughter, others talking about ways to win the war and rebuild their kingdom into a safer place

"chirp chirp!* hopefully you have not forgotten this beautiful and magnificent constellation!" the colourful bird chirp with a grin

"the rest of the last recording shall play as i finish enjoying MY food break!" the bird planted its face in the bowl filled with insects and worms to the great disgust of many before it continued to speak

"what never seen a bird eat before! don't stare!" the bird gulped down the last of the worm before blasting loud obnoxious chirps

"lets get moving people this constellation doesn't have all day! chirp chirp!*"

........Chapter 3: continuation....

the words caught the attention of the individuals as they settled down and looked back at the screen in focus

"Hans, why did you suddenly end up being assigned to me?"

Hans had mentioned before dinner that his father, Deruth, had sent him to personally handle Cale's needs. Hans was extremely skilled and probably had the best chance of all the deputy butlers in becoming the official butler.

"waa, do you really think so young master!" the ginger butler had wiped the fake tear from his eyes as he asked with a grin

"shut up! that's not me!" Cale looked away a tint of pink on his ears

Hans slightly bowed his head and answered the question.

"The Count-nim was concerned after hearing that young master had missed a meal while working in the study and ordered me to make sure that the young master makes sure to eat every meal. As a result, I will be overseeing just the meal-related duties for the young master."

To be specific, Hans was responsible for the meals.

"Is that so? My father did something he didn't need to do. I would eat properly on my own. But I guess I would not have realized it was time for dinner if Hans did not come tell me."

"what was he doing anyways?" Tasha who had not been paying attention to to what happened and why the resounding of the red head changed asked before getting cut of by the next words appearing on the screen

The Red Diamond, a Rare Jewel of TCF {reactionfic}Where stories live. Discover now