16 | the one with an end

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The door you your next door neighbour's house opened as Noah clutched your leg tightly, relieved you were okay. Mrs. Greene walked to the doorway, smiling and handing you a plate of cookies. "Thanks for taking care of him, Mrs. Greene." You thanked her, and gratefully took the plate.

She simply waved you off as Hailey joined her and said hello to you. "How many times do I have to tell you? Call me Yvonne, dear."

You took Noah's hand in your unoccupied one as the both of you walked the very short distance to your house. Handing the cling film-covered plate to Noah while you unlocked the door was risky, but he proved he could be trusted so you planned to give him a cookie when you were both inside the house.

The sight you saw as you walked to the kitchen, however, proved Moriarty's previous words true as you gulped. 

"Poor little Noah, so worried that his sister is missing almost after he finds out his mummy is going to stay in hospital for a while." Moriarty teased, chuckling in amusement. "Well, at least she'll die knowing her mum is alive and well. She's been ignoring your letters, by the way."

There she was, your mum, alive and well. She was sat across from Mycroft, a pensive expression on her face. While Noah ran to her, you stood still. Had she really been ignoring your letters? She saw you, and relief flashed in her eyes. But when she saw how angry you looked, she dropped the happiness and replaced it with understanding.

You rushed past the living room and into the kitchen, placing the cookies on the counter and getting one for Noah. Walking back into the room that situated your mum didn't feel as warming as it once did. She knew that.

You handed a cookie to your little brother and told him to go play in his room, because you and the adults needed to have a serious talk. He wanted to protest, but he saw the pleading look on your face and carried himself upstairs and into his room.

Once you heard his bedroom door shut, you snapped your head to your mum and Mycroft, your voice seething with a mix of anger and hurt. "How could you ignore my letters, Mum? I poured my heart out to you, shared my fears and worries, and you didn't even bother to respond. Do you have any idea what I've been through?"

Your mum's eyes filled with tears as she reached out to you, her voice trembling. "I'm so sorry, darling. I never meant to hurt you or ignore your letters. It's complicated, and I was trying to protect you."

Mycroft interjected, his voice calm and composed. "Your mother didn't receive your letters. Moriarty intercepted and withheld them, manipulating the situation to create further chaos."

The revelation hit you like a punch to the gut, and you felt a mix of relief and frustration. Relief that your mother hadn't intentionally ignored you, but frustration that Moriarty had played such a cruel game with your emotions.

You sank into a nearby chair, the weight of the recent events crashing down upon you. "Why? Why would he do something like that? What does he gain from manipulating my relationship with my own mother?"

Mycroft sighed, his gaze focused and sombre. "Moriarty thrives on chaos, on causing pain and confusion. He wanted to weaken you, to make you vulnerable and distracted. It was all part of his twisted game. But we have him now, and he won't hurt you or your family any longer."

Your mother's voice trembled with a mix of guilt and love. "I'm so sorry, my dear. I wish I could have been there for you during those difficult times. But know that I'm here now, and I will do everything in my power to make it up to you."

Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at your mother, realizing the depth of her love and the sacrifices she had made to protect you. In that moment, anger and resentment melted away, replaced by a renewed sense of connection and forgiveness.

You reached out, taking your mother's hand in yours. "I understand, Mum. We've all been through so much. We'll get through this together."

Mycroft nodded, a hint of warmth in his usually stoic demeanour. "Indeed, we will. Moriarty's reign of terror ends now. We will ensure that he faces the consequences of his actions."

As the three of you sat in the living room, the weight of the past slowly lifting from your shoulders, you realized that despite the trials and challenges you had faced, the bonds of family and loyalty would always endure. Together, you would heal and rebuild, stronger than ever before.

The road ahead was still uncertain, and the scars of the past would take time to fade. But with love, understanding, and the unwavering support of your family, you were ready to face whatever challenges awaited, knowing that the darkness could never truly overshadow the light that shone within each of you.


Saphie and Bailey came over once they heard you were alright, and hugged you tightly. "Never do something like that again, yeah?" Saphie warned jokingly, pointing a finger at you while she smiled with tears in her eyes.

"We do have someone to introduce you to, though." Bailey announced after a few minutes of a comfortable silence between the three of you. You looked at her, confused, before she held up her hand momentarily and left the room.

"Her name's Riley, and she's been wanting to meet you since day one of our Sherlock adventures." Saphie explained.

After a minute or two of you and Saphie planning Bailey's wedding with her boyfriend, you heard a new voice enter the house. Mycroft seemed to recognise her, but you couldn't hear his reaction properly to know why.

The door to your room opened, and in walked Bailey with another girl around your age. She had short, brown hair, blue eyes similar to Sherlock's and a pair of glasses. She was relatively tall and the moment she saw you, she smiled politely.

"I'm [name], nice to meet you!" You greeted, and she looked at Saphie and Bailey with recognition in her eyes.

"I presume they already told you my first name." Riley began, a playful expression taking over her. "My full name is Riley Evelyn Enola Holmes, it's been nice to hear of your adventures with my brothers."

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