Chapter 15: Getting the Team Back Together

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A/N: This will be the Last Chapter until the next Series comes up. I do have a few ideas on how it'll go, but this will be where Nagatoro and Uzaki discover their mistake with the Roses.

After what happened at the Sleepover for every Team member so far, the Channel hasn't gotten too good, which worried Marin, Komi and the others, but Nagatoro and Uzaki haven't even talked to each other after their arguement.

After in their School's, Marin and Komi were looking at the Team's channel, which hasn't gotten many videos since what happened.

Marin: When did it go wrong?

Marin then remembered what happened after Nagatoro and Uzaki's arguement. As she thought, Wakana found her looking at her Phone, seeing she looked worried.

Wakana: Still thinking on the others?

Marin looked at him and gave a nod.

Marin: What did go wrong? The last time Nagatoro and Uzaki both were best friends was when they first met

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Marin: What did go wrong? The last time Nagatoro and Uzaki both were best friends was when they first met... by themselves.

Wakana could agree on that.

Wakana: Since I'm almost finished with your next Cosplay, want to check on the others to see if they're ok?

Marin looked up at him.

Marin: Sure. Let's go check on them.

Meanwhile at Itan High, Komi was looking at her Friends list, looking at the Blank spaces that was saved for Nagatoro and Uzaki. Tadano saw she was upset about what happened and checked on her.

Tadano: So I see your looking at where Nagatoro and Uzaki's name should of been.

Komi didn't speak, or even wrote in her notebook. He also seen it was also a few days since the Team uploaded anything. He thought she was worried about them and came up with a plan.

Tadano: Well, since it's almost the end of Class, want to check on the others. Just to check on them and to see if they're ok?

Komi looked up at him, wanting to know how he figured that out. Once the final school bell went off, they both left Itan High and to the Team's Mansion.

*The Team Logo*

At the Team Mansion, not a lot has been going on with the others. Red was watching TV, Alex was checking on the Yellow Roses while Steve was in the Meeting Room, all wanting to know what Kyle was doing by himself.

Red: Why did I pick a Sarcastic brat? Why is Alex friends with a big breasted pain in Sakurai's Butt?

Sakurai: You do know I'm also here?

Red looked lazing at him, forgetting he was also there.

Red: Oh yeah...

Sakurai: Ok Yes, I'm here to get away from Hana, but I'm also here to check on you guys. I was thinking why you haven't been uploading anything?

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