Well, that's actually kind of good. I might not be a good friend for saying this but, sometimes I do feel that I will be happier if not for Meihu's constant intervention. 

I didn't ask any further questions and made my way out of the chambers. I prefer the blissful ignorance.

As I walked through the corridor, I saw the king walking from the other side and my feet stopped. I was scared. Naina placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled to signal that it's okay.

I am kind of starting to like Naina. She is sweet!

I gained a little courage and continued to walk until I met the king halfway. He looked at me. I looked sideways, unable to maintain eye contact.

"Are you going to run away or are you going to talk?" he asked. I could feel his eyes looking at me waiting for an answer.

I remained silent.

"Got my answer," the king said and stepped aside to walk away.

No no, I shouldn't be doing this. I need to talk!

I held his hand and he looked back surprised.

"Let's talk," I said.

"Wohooo," Pallu shouted. 

The king turned his attention to her.

"Baahhh" she screamed and ran away. 

"Leave us alone," the king said raising his voice a little and immediately Sruthi, Naina, and all the other soldiers guarding the corridor left.

The king stepped back a little to get as close to me as possible and turned me to his side.

"Talk," he said. 

I took a deep breath. I can do this!

"I haven't had many nice experiences in my life," I started, "Being a queen....having all my desires fulfilled....having a husband who understands me, cares for me, love-" I paused.

"Loves you," the king completed, "I do that too."

I raised my eyes to look at him. He looked very sincere and perhaps what he said, or the way he said it, I felt a spark of joy in my heart and almost forgot what I was about to say.

"Continue," the king prompted.


"So...all these positive experiences are very new to me," I continued, "which makes me fearful of the day this will all come to an end, or worse, the day life throws more negative experiences at me to compensate for all the positive times." "Perhaps, that is why I try to search for flaws or hints of negativity," I added, "Sure, Meihu is a negative influence, but I chose to believe her and I do so because it assures me that perhaps, if I am cautious enough, I could control the probability of negative outcomes."

"And....what negative outcomes do you fear exactly?" the king asked.

"You getting angry," I replied honestly.

"And what do you think happens when I get angry?" he asked.

"I've heard stories," I said looking down, "Of you beheading people in court, killing hundreds of people at war, and torturing traitors until they beg to be killed and still leaving them alive just to continue punihsing them." "Sure this could all be rumours but..." 

"No they are not," the king interrupted.

I looked at him genuinely scared.

"They were all true," the king said staring into my soul, "As a matter of fact, I've done far worse things out of anger. Gruesome things capable of giving you sleepless nights for the rest of your life."

This is not the direction I expected this conversation to go. Perhaps Meihu was right. 

Stupid me! Should've kept my mouth shut!

"But you will never experience that side of me," the king's next statement took me by surprise. "You are not a criminal, your are not my enemy and you are definitely not a traitor," he continued, "the anger you'll see, is the anger you've already seem. On the day I found out that you lied, or the day I read your book, or yesterday when I saw you crying."

My mind calmed down when I heard that.

"Can you deal with that?" Adi asked.

I remained silent. Not because I don't want to answer but because I was getting very emotional at this point. I feared that if I open my mouth, I'll actually break into tears.

What did I even do to deserve this man!

I looked down needing a moment to compose myself. Adi placed his hand on my cheek and lifted my face up a little.

"Vaishu, I need an answer," he said and then I did something I never thought I would. 

I hugged him!

"Yes," I whispered.

I know he was taken by surprise because I could feel him hesitating to wrap his arms around me. I immediately realized what I've done and pulled myself back.

"I am so sorry," I apologized.

"You never have to apologize for hugging me, Vaishu," Adi said.

"Right," I said, "Then...I am sorry for running away from you yesterday."

"That's alright and everything's forgiven," Adi said and took my hand. 

I was confused about why but when he pulled out the sacred thread the general gave me yesterday, it took me by surprise.

"You forgot this at the library," he said wrapping the sacred thread around my wrist, "Keep it on you at all times." "Kalika Devi will protect you," he added turning my hand for the palm side to face upwards in order to tie a knot, "from all evil forces, including devils and witches."

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