✰ first day back ✰ ~ chapter 1 ~

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✩ wednesday, february 1st ✩
✩ cora's perspective ✩

i woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. ring, ring, ring. i leaned over from my side, smacking my phone with my hand, enough to make it fall off my nightstand. it was the first day back at school today, i rubbed my eyes, looking up at my ceiling, sighing at the fact i had to get up. as i was sitting up, i could hear my roomates outside. most of them must be awake already. that's right, most of them. i have 5 other roomates. let's introduce them all quickly.

there's three girls including me, living in this house. first there's myself, hi my names cora reyes. im the cheer captain at my school, loley high. and my two best friends, violet walker and remi flores are also on the cheer team, aswell has my other girl roomates. you could probably assume, it's a blast living together. and the other three roomies, charlie mendoza, aiden russell and ryder silva. all boys from the football team, charlie being the captain. also being the hottest boys in school. i guess you could say violet, remi and i got lucky. that's the basic introduction to us, we're not all that interesting, or are we?

i hop up from my bed, quickly pulling the cover down and straightening them out, stacking the pillows on top of each other. i struggle out of bed to my bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth and giving myself a good look in the mirror, figuring out how much i need to do to look good before school, with little time. i walk over to my vanity, turning my mirror lights on, beginning my makeup and curling my hair. with little to no time left, i chuck on my cheer uniform, ready for the first practice back for this year. i grab my phone, opening my door quickly checking the time. "cora were leaving!." i hear violet shouting from downstairs. i get down to the kitchen, seeing breakfast made for me. looking down at the blueberry waffles on the kitchen counter, i should've woken up earlier. i grab my bag and keys, quickly locking the door behind me. seeing everyone's cars gone but mine, guess everyone drove today.

i arrive at school, a little while before the homeroom bell was going to go. touching up my makeup in the car, i look up to violet and remi waiting at my window. i hop out, kissing their cheeks as we do. "hi loves." we all walk into school, heading to our lockers, a few other girls from the cheer team were there waiting. we say our hellos and grab our books, chemistry up first. i say bye to my girls as i head to homeroom starting the day off strong.

that quick, it was lunch already. after putting my books away in my locker, i head to the cafeteria, picking up my pre ordered lunch, heading over to my table. i see violet and remi sitting waiting for me to come over. as i sat down, the rest of the cheer team came and sat with us. "so cora, first practice back today, are you ready?" one of the girls started to conversate. "absolutely! this season is going to be our best so far." we talked cheer the whole lunch, dreading the sound of the end of lunch bell, meaning we'd have to head to class. we all said our goodbyes as we headed to class.

finally the school day was over, i headed to my locker to put my books away and grab my bags. i headed to the girls locker room to freshen up a bit before cheer, aswell as placing my bag in my cheer locker. "alright girls let gooooo!" we all start running out of the locker room, chanting our schools chant. i begin to warm up the girls before starting to teach them a new routine for our upcoming game. some skills were quite intricate, but i knew my girls could learn them with little time. before we knew it, practice was over, we all head back down to the locker rooms, freshening up to head home. violet, remi and i all decide to grab dinner for us and the boys back at the house.

we arrive home after a long first day back, i place my keys and bag down on the table before helping violet carry in the dinner. remi calls the boys down and we all sit down to eat in the lounge. we put on a basketball game as we eat, the boys definitely more passionate about it then the girls. its definitely a bit on the awkward side at the moment. we used to talk a fair bit, the boys and us cheerleaders. but ever since becoming roomates it's been a bit awkward, partially because i think some of us liked or maybe even like eachother. guess we'll find out sooner or later. we all finish up and place our dishes in the dishwasher. heading upstairs to get ready for bed, i wash my face and apply my skincare. rolling my face with a jade roller and using a gua sha on my jawline. violet and remi join me in my room, layed down on my bed, doing our daily bedtime gossip sesh. we wrap it up as it was getting late. all will be told sooner or later.

i set my alarm for tomorrow morning. pulling the covers over my body. i slouch down on my bed, tucking my legs up into my chest as i slowly begin to drift off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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