Amber rolled her eyes for the hundredth time that day, she didn't think someone like Isaac Tate Roberts was good enough for Tara, for her he wasn't even good enough to be in the same room as Tara. Mindy's voice broke her out of her thoughts, "But we're all suspects." she said before her eyes landed on her brothers girlfriend, "Except maybe Liv."

The  girl with the pink dyed hair placed her hand over her chest. "Thank you." She smiled at Mindy, before she had the chance to continue her sentence, "You're way too boring to be a psycho." she concluded, taking a sip from the drink she had before being interrupted by an unfamiliar voice behind her.

"Yo, Liv:" Vince Slater grinned, raising his drink in the air, "You want a real drink?" he teased the group of teenagers. "Or are you happy sitting at this kid's table?" he smirked, placing his free hand in one of the pokes of his pants.

Chad grew annoyed as the guy he clearly hated was everywhere where the group was, "All right, listen up, Uglier Michael Myers." Chad announced as he pushed himself away from the pool table, marching up to the man, "It was a summer fling. It meant nothing..."

"Sorry, was I talking to you?" Vince scoffed at Chad.

"I don't fucking car who you're talking to." Chad countered as grew even more annoyed at presence of the man.

Vince seemed to have enough as he looked over Chad's shoulder, "Liv, let's go."

"Don't fucking talk to her!" Chad shouted at him "I dont want to hear your goddamn voice."

Both males grew angry at each other through out there encounter, "Shut your fucking mouth." Vince seethed at him as he held out his hand where a click could be heard from all eyes turned to the knife he had in his hands, "Better shut the fuck up."

"Hey!" The bartender yelled from behind the counter as he saw the commotion happening, "Get out of here or I'm calling the cops." she warned. Vince grew a smirk on his face as he placed the tip of the knife at Chad's stomach, to which the younger one clenched his jaw, raising his hand over to where the entrance of the bar is, "Go."

Vince hummed and started walking towards the door but before leaving he point's at Liv, "I'll see you soon, sweetheart." he winked at her and blow her a kiss. Chad shook his head as he dug his fingernails into his own skin, refraining himself from going off on him, "hey, man, fuck you."

The bartender pointed at the group of teens and glanced over to the exit where Vince had left seconds ago, "You kids too! Let's go!" she urged the group out the bar. The teens gathered all their stuff in seconds, "Do you see this shit? Mind blowing." Chad muttered.

Amber hummed at what Chad had said and points to Wes, "You saw it was, this is the reason why I protect Tara from people like that. It's only a question of time before Isaac Tate Roberts cracks up and hurts her and you know it."

"Shut up Amber you don't know him okay. He is nothing like that and if you would choose to spend some time with him you would know that but no you just one more person that makes his live hell." Chad said before he followed his sister out of the door.

In the hospital Sam gasped out of yet another nightmare as she glanced around the room her eyes fell on the two sleeping teens. As Tara was holding tightly onto the boy. Richie took out his earbud as he saw that Sam woke up, "Hey." he whispered as he sat up in his chair, "You okay?" He questioned the Carpenter women, earning a firm nod from her, "Yeah." Sam said as she cleared her throat, placing her hand against her head. "Just a bad dream."

The man nodded at his girlfriends answer before looking back down towards his phone. At which Sam titled her head, "What are you watching?" She asked as she watched him as he bit down on his bottom lip, thinking of an answer.

"Uh, Stab is on Netflix." he declared, before watching the disbelief form on Sam's face, "What? I want to be prepared." he said. Sam stood up from the most uncomfortable chair you could possible sit in pointing over towards the door, "I got to go find something to eat." she whispered as Richie nodded his head in response, "Yeah, okay."

As the door closed Isaac woke up with a gasp to which Richie didn't show interest in as he already had started watching the movie on his phone again. As the teen looked around the room he could only find Richie but no Sam but he wasn't the only one the boy saw. Behind Richie was the figure of the older sister he so much loved before everything went down hill.

"He is bad news, I tell you same with Amber something is going on there." She said to him as she rocked back and forth on the heels of her feet. Isaac shook his head trying to get her to go away but he didn't want to wake Tara up so he slowly and carefully got up from the bed to not disturb her sleep.

Richie noticed the movement of the boy and took out one of his earbuds, "Hey." he whispered.

"Where is Sam?" Questioned the teenager. Richie pointed over to the door, "She left a few minutes ago to get something to eat." he said, Isaac nodded his head and walked over to the door despite the pain he felt, "Okay, I'm hungry too. So I'm gonna go and eat something, I'll be back in a bit." he said before leaving Tara and Richie alone in the hospital room.

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