Chapter 13 - Puppet

Start from the beginning

Changing the topic, yuno started talking to me in a much serious tone than before.

[I called to inform you that Mr. Lang might take you back to the black box sooner than you think.]

Hmm, take me back huh. What for?

I'm here in this school because I was sent here by Ray. He wanted me to bring down his arch nemesis son and return later to the black box. But now that I got my freedom, I will never return there anytime soon.

[Did he tell you the reason why?]

I asked him curiously on the phone and he replied back at me immediately.

[No. But I heard that the black box have been successful in their experiments on the kids and they want you to train those children.]

Fufufu. I can now understand why he went on his way and tried to contact me privately.

This school is very tight when it comes to school visits but they don't really disallow visitors to come in. But when someone did visit the school from the outside, they are required to be escorted by the staff of this school around the campus.

[I see. So that's why you tried contacting me in private huh.]

We can't really let anyone know about our operation because it can cause a whole lot of mess.

[Well other than that, I just really want to check on you that's all.]

So he cares about me that much?

Yuno was much kinder than anyone I know from the black box, and he's usually the one I hang out with when I'm bored in there.

[Thanks uncle. I'm happy hearing from you again. Anyway, can you relay a message to Mr. Lang for me?]

[Um. Sure what is it?]

[Please tell him that I'll return after 3 years. Also, please say I'm planning to give him a gift after I'm done here.]

Fuhahaha. How does a masterpiece sound for a gift?

I kept my cool while trying to subdue the erupting laughter that is stuck in my throat.

[A gift? What kind?]

He asked curiously to me but I held my tongue on replying.

[It's a surprise. I'll bet he will be thrilled after seeing it.]

He didn't pry any longer and just said his goodbyes to me.

[I see. I'll relay him the message. So take care while you're there, okay?]

[Of course uncle. Thanks for checking on me.]

After that, our connection was stopped and his number totally vanished on my phone without any kind of trace.

*{He sure is a good hacker isn't he? Ciel what do you think?}

{Yes. He was renowned as the cheatcode by his peers and he's abilities cannot be underestimated.}

That's a fancy title.

I finished my breakfast and took a bath. After all of my preparation are done, I head out towards my dorm and started walking straight towards our class. But after I stepped outside the elevator, I sensed kushida's presence around me. I stopped on my tracks and called out to her.

"You can stop stalking me you know. Whatever you might try doing is going to be pointless."

When I called her out, she showed up in front of me with an annoyed look on her face.

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