Chapter 13 - Puppet

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Rimuru Pov

It was early in the morning when I woke up. When I looked by my side, ciel was already gone and went back to my imaginary space.

*{Morning Ciel.}

{Good morning Master.}

After a few greetings, I stood up from my bed and heads towards the bathroom. I washed my face by the faucet and dried it using a face towel.

I went up earlier than usual huh.

When I looked at the clock, it was 5 o'clock in the morning so I have a plentiful time to spare before going to school. I prepared my meal for the morning and placed it on the table but when I was starting to eat, some called my phone.

An unknown number huh.

I picked up my phone and inspected who that was. It was not in my phone history so got curious and pressed the answer button.

[How are you doing kid?]

The voice was familiar to me and I've heard it a couple of times when I was still on that facility.

[How did you managed to enter the phone system of this school?]

On the other side of the line, I heard the man laughing slightly by my question but he suddenly calmed down and replied.

[What are you talking about Rim-chan? Have you forgotten who I am?]

[No that's not the case. I still remembered your voice. But it took me by surprise when you suddenly called out of nowhere.]

I heard him chuckled before replying to me.

[That's good to hear. I thought you've already forgotten about your uncle but it looks like my worries are unfounded.]

He sure is still the same isn't he?

[You didn't answer my question uncle Yuno.]

[It's simple for me to enter any kinds of devices remember? I told you that I am a hacker right?]

[Yes. Ray sensei often told me about the adventures of your old group and he's always so enthusiastic when relaying those memories to me.]

When I was still small, ray was always by my side and he always enjoys talking about his friends who he regarded as family. He's always happy talking about the great things they did with their crew but the content of their 'enjoyment' is not something you can call legal or something.

[Hahaha. I guess Raymond would tell you about our crew. We're once the greatest heist group in Los Santos you know.]

I know. I've heard about it so many times now.

While recalling all of the memories with my interactions with Ray I asked Yuno about something.

[Uh huh. Anyway, what's your group's name again?]

[We're called the Cleanbois. Back in the day, we clean banks out of their money without getting caught. It was quite fun when it lasted you know.]

I was exasperated on how casual he admitted that they do crimes while we were talking on the phone.

[You sure it's a good idea to say that out loud while on the line with me?]

[Hahaha. There's no need to worry. This phone call is hidden and secured and I already jumbled the signals so chances of us getting caught is non-existence.]

Hmm. Is that so? Well I guess I could trust him on that.

[You seem confident. Why did you call me uncle Yuno?]

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