Chapter 16: Consequences

Comenzar desde el principio

Natasha and Steve were both stood on the other side. She glanced at the pair of them slightly confused by both of their presences. Usually only one of them came to get her. “Hey guys. Is it dinner already?”

Natasha brushed past her into the room, and started opening her drawers and rooting through them. Steve just closed the door behind them, and then stood blocking the exit.

“Mama what are you doing?” questioned Wanda in bemusement.

“Where is it?” asked Natasha calmly, but there was steely resolve to her tone.

“Where’s what?” asked Wanda in confusion.

“Don’t play dumb with me Wanda, you know what I’m talking about.”

“I really don’t Nat,” explained Wanda crossing her arms across her chest in annoyance, emphasised by the fact she used her given name.

“Where is the rest of the cocaine?”

Wanda’s jaw dropped, and her mouth opened as she struggled to form the words. “The what?” she stuttered.

Natasha turned back to the girl, she stopped her searching through the drawers to give the teenager her full attention. “Do not lie to me right now Wanda. You are in an absolute world of trouble it’s in your best interest to comply with everything I say right now.”

Wanda looked at her gingerly, as if considering her options. Handing over the drugs would be admitting she had them, though Natasha had named the drug, so she clearly already knew about it. After hesitating for about thirty seconds which seemed considerably longer to the people in the room. Wanda finally approached her underwear drawer and pulled out the remains of the drug she had and put it into Natasha’s hand, avoiding eye contact with the older woman.

“Wanda you want to explain this to me.”

She just shrugged petulantly at her, “I just wanted to try it, don’t make a big deal out of it.”

Natasha handed the bag to Steve, “Can you get rid of this?”

Steve nodded at the woman, before looking over to Wanda sadly, “I’m really disappointed.”

Those words felt like a hammer blow to Wanda’s chest. She gasped and sat down onto the bed. Natasha waited for Steve to leave the room, before sitting down next to the saddened teenager.

“What ever possessed you to do this Wanda?”

“I thought it would help,” explained Wanda weakly. “I thought it would help me understand my mind, my powers, my life.”

“All drugs are artificial Wanda; they just replicate they don’t create anything genuine. It’s all fake. Why didn’t you talk to me Wanda?”

“I couldn’t, you are so confident, so empowered. You always know what you are doing, saying, feeling.”

Natasha laughed out loud, “are you kidding me? I used to be a train wreck.”

Wanda looked at her startled, “What?”

“Wanda, I was a KGB assassin, trained to be a killer from a child. I needed a great support network to get where I am now. It didn’t happen over night.”

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