Enora was confused at Alicent's odd behavior. "I am sure I do somewhere, but why do you need it?"

"I cannot tell you."

"Then you cannot have one of my dresses." Enora stepped closer, grabbing Alicent's hands in her own. "You must tell me, Ali. I cannot help you if I do not know."

"Father has asked me to visit the King in his chambers. He said I should wear one of mother's dresses."

"He wants you to go to the King's private chambers at this time of night, in one of mother's old dresses?" Enora repeated, making sure she understood. "Absolutely not."

"Enora, I have to. Father-"

"No." Enora interrupted, anger at her father filling her body. "You are two young, too innocent. Do you even know what he is asking of you?"

"He wishes for me to comfort the King."

"No, he wants you to seduce him, Alicent. He wishes for you to seduce the king and become queen. Father is trying to marry you off just as he did me."

"Your marriage was not an awful one, Lord Peake was kind to you. Maybe-"

"I was lucky, Alicent. We have no idea of the King's true nature." Enora turned away from her sister facing the flames burning in the fireplace. "I will go in your stead."

"But father-"

"I will go, Alicent. This is not up for discussion." Enora walked to her wardrobe, throwing the doors open she began searching for a suitable dress.

Enora finally found one and threw it onto her bed as she began to shed her dressing gown. As the gown fell to the floor, Enora turned back to face her sister. "Help me get ready, please?"

At her elder sister's request, Alicent began to move. She helped her sister into the gown, a beautiful off the shoulder black gown with black lace overlay. Alicent couldn't remember their mother ever wearing such a dress. "Is this mother's?"

"No." Enora replied as she began to take her long hair out of it's braid. "It is one of my own."

With her hair now falling in loose waves down her back and the gown on, Enora turned to face Alicent. "How do I look?"

"You look beautiful." Alicent spoke, her hands moving to the back of her neck and removing one of her necklaces. "Wear this. You should have something of mother's."

Enora took the necklace from Alicent's outstretched hand. A gold beaded chain with a star pendant laid in her hand. Enora smiled at Alicent in thanks as she clasped the necklace around her throat.


Enora stood outside the king's chambers, the hall was empty except for the King's Guard standing watch. The widow took a deep breath holding the book in her arms tighter to her chest. She was protecting Alicent, that was all that mattered. With another deep inhale she nodded to the Kings guard. As he pushed the door open the knight announced her. "Lady Enora Hightower, your grace."

King Viserys looked up from where he sat hunched over his stone model of Old Valyria. Quickly pocketing whatever had been in his hand, the older man's face morphed into one of surprise as he stood up. "Enora, what can I do for you at this hour?"

"I thought you might enjoy some company, Your Grace. I brought a book on Old Valyria, I am sure your knowledge already surpasses what is in this but I know how passionate you are for the histories."

"That is very kind." The king waved the guard off.

The door closing behind her almost made Enora jump, she had to remind herself she was doing this for Alicent. The King turned back to the stone buildings before him, ignoring Enora's presence.

The only sound was a quiet scraping coming from whatever the King was doing. Enora's eyes trailed over the king, finding the courage to continue.

"When my husband died people only ever seemed to speak in riddles. And even then they looked at me as if I should be grateful to have lost him. All I wanted was for someone to say they were sorry." The King looked up, meeting Enora's eyes. "I am very sorry, Your Grace. It is one of the most painful things to lose the one we love, and no one, not even maesters can truly stop the pain. I find it helps to speak of them.

The King looked away, taking in Enora's word. Enora feared she had gone too far, crossed some line. "Aemma is-was the best of me. She was so kind and gentle. Absolutely perfect in every way She did not care that I spent so much of my free time pouring over the histories. To her I was just Viserys, not the King."

King Viserys looked back at Enora, a sad smile on his lips.

"My lord husband was kind and funny. He was always making me laugh until I felt I might cry. And while he was not one for books, he would silently sit with me as I read. He was a good man."

Viserys and Enora stared at each other, both missing parts of themselves. But strangely enough it was as if the remaining halves were just what the other needed. 

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