painted nails

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**takes place when damiano and y/n are in school and the band hasn't taken off yet**


"baby i'm bored," i groaned and rolled over in bed to face damiano.

"yeah me too," he yawned and brushed my hair out of my face,

an idea sparked and i leaped out of the bed and walked into the bathroom, i rummaged a bit in the cabinets before returning into the bedroom with a hair brush, a skincare headband, some different skincare products and some nail polish..

"no way," damiano chuckled shooing me away with his hands,

"please!" i begged..

he rolled his eyes, groaned a little and sat up in bed, "what's first.." he mumbled,

"lemme brush your hair and put it in a bun!" i giggled sitting down in front of him.

i brushed the small knots out of his curly hair and put it up in a messy bun then slipped the headband over his head to keep back his baby hairs and other stray hair,

"lean back," i instructed, soaking a rag in micellar water and rubbing it on his face, i saw the tension in his shoulders drop at the touch of the cool rag.

i dried off his face and started doing my skincare routine on him, i got to the end and held up a couple face masks for him to pick,

"strawberry, aloe, or coconut?" i questioned, trying to hold back my laugh.

"fuck i guess aloe?" he shrugged a little bit and closed his eyes when i start to put the face mask on,

"okay now we wait 15 minutes, and i'm gonna paint your nails!" his eyes quickly fluttered open,

"uh no you're not! that's too far, i can't go to my basketball practice with sparkly pink nails!"

"oh hush you'll be fine, and i don't even have sparkly pink just blue and black,"

"black." he said and closed his eyes again,

i put on some cuticle oil on his nails then a base, followed by black nail polish and top coat,

"all done!" i cheered and he opened his eyes, "you're such a pretty girl,"

"whatever, get this face mask off," he rolled his eyes yet again,

"you know you can keep looking but you're not going to find anything back there," i joke and started peeling the face mask off,

"PORCA TROIA THAT SHIT HURTS!" he yelped as i ripped off a piece of the mask, "i think you actually just ripped a layer of my skin off!"

"probably," i said shrugging and throwing the used mask away. "i'm gonna go get some watermelon stay here," i said and left the room,

when i came back damiano didn't see me watching him almost admiring his nails,

i cleared my throat.

"merda y/n bambina mi hai spaventato!" he jumped,

"haha! i got you! you liked your little spa day!"

"yeah sure whatever," i climbed into bed next to him and ate all the watermelon before giving damiano a quick kiss on the temple and turning the lights out,

"the nails don't look half bad" he mumbled before we both chuckled a little and tried to sleep..

i contemplated saying 'i knew it' or 'i told you so' but decided it better to just leave it as it was and drift off to sleep in the comfort and safety of damiano's presence.


based off a recent and true story? possibly..

love you so very much all!

caz out.

word count: 545.

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