"Professor Johnson, it was the table you sat at last semester too if I'm not mistaken. To be fair it wasn't intentionally toward you, plus that was last school year." She raises her hands in defeat.

"Still disgusting." Simon wails.

"Sex in a classroom doesn't sound too bad." Kat tilts her cup toward Alexis.

"It's really fun, you should try it sometime." Alexis says.

"It's definitely on my bucket list." Kat says under her breath.

Bucket list?

I think about right before we got started and Kat wanted to do some things in the kitchen. She's so damn risky. When I bring my eyes to her she's looking directly at me and I can't help but giggle.

"Simon I want you to have a drink, your radiating 'asshole' energy. Never have I ever had a raging crush on anyone in this room." Alexis stirs.

Literally, everyone drinks. "I wanted so badly to mess with Rue until Simon almost shredded me a new hole." Joe says.

"You've slept with almost everyone on campus, there was no way I was letting you get near my sister asswipe." Simon laughs.

"Don't feel left out Joe, at one point I wanted to take her out, Simon chewed me out too. Too bad I never got to try it out." she sips her drink.

"Is this a love on Rue fest? Alexis maybe, Joe most certainly not." I laugh and the others follow.

"You sure, the offer is still on the table?" Joe teases and Simon swats at him. I shake my head rapidly.

They pass shots to Lottie and me.

"Never have I ever ghosted someone on campus." Simon takes his turn.

Kat and Joe are the only ones to drink. "The girl I used to talk to when I first got to campus, I had to cease all contact after a bad sex exchange. I just couldn't look at her after." Kat laughs.


"That's almost the same exact reason why I ghosted a girl, except she threw up on me while we were in the act. To be fair we were at one of Simon's parties but I had to throw her off of me and wrap up my night. I definitely did not call her back." Joe looks disgusted.

Before I know it I'm laughing uncontrollably with everyone else.

The night progresses and the game gets funnier and slightly more serious.

"Okay, last one It's getting late." Morgan says. "Never have I ever slept with someone in this room."

No one takes a drink. That's the first tonight.

"No one's bumping uglies. This is no fun." Joe slurs, he and Simon drank almost every round.

"I have a feeling someone's lying. I feel a double shot coming." Alexis giggles.

"Right, didn't Lottie and Simon use to have a thing before we all met?"

"Oh, yeah. That's right, you two mean to tell us you two didn't sleep together?" I sarcastically raise my eyebrows.

"We did." Lottie pours her and Simons drinks looking at everyone in the room.

They drink them quickly. "You happy now?" Simon laughs eerily. He scrunches his eyebrows. "Shouldn't you also be drinking?" he snaps his head toward me.

"No, why would I be?" I chuckle trying my best.

"We'll you and Kathleen have been messing around behind everyone's backs so since we had to drink you two should too."

"Simon that's enough. I think we should call it a night." Lottie sterns.

I am lost for words, I knew he knew something. If only we'd come forward a day earlier.

"No words from either one of you huh? You two have been lying to us the least you could do is tell us how it happened."

I look over to Kathleen then I look around the room and everyone's eyes are on us.

"W- wh-"

"Spit it out Rue, the stuttering shit won't work today, you've barely done that shit in months. Now you're in the hot seat and you can barely talk."

"Okay, Simon. She doesn't need this. The three of us can talk about it privately." Kat says.

"Oh, her girlfriend is coming to her defense. Cool, maybe you could tell us how it happened. Share with the fucking class."

"Not here, and not tonight. We have all been drinking." She says.

"I knew about this months ago, I've been waiting to see when you two would come to me. Neither of you have said a word about it. It slipped out tonight and I'll probably regret it in the morning but I'm glad it's off my chest. How could you not tell me, do you two not trust me or something?" he says the last part almost as a whisper.

"Simon, we were going to tell you. It wasn't serious at first. We were planning to tell you at dinner tomorrow." I cry.

"If you've known all this time then you know there had to be a good reason we didn't tell you." Kathleen says.

"You both can have each other. I don't want to look at you two for a minute." Simon stands up to walk out.

"Simon, we weren't trying to hurt you. It just happened." She says.

He grabs his keys to leave. "Don't drive home, your drunk." I manage to get out.

"That's another thing, Korine, you're not the only one that lost a sister. Stop acting like you are, we both lost Kamora. You mope around here and expect everyone to feel sorry for you the act is outdated. Move one like everyone else." Simon yells at me.

That earned a physical reaction out of me. The room went silent when the palm of my hand hit his cheek. "Get out Simon." Tears flow down my cheek.

"Gladly." He says before storming out and slamming the door.

What's the saying? A drunk mind is a sober mind. I guess now I know where we stand.

Oop, that was messy, was Simom right?

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