Chapter 4: loneliness

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I dropped the boys off at daycare and drove off, after prying the off me because they refused to go there. I had calmed them down a tad though. I drove off home and sighed. My would I be lonely.

I entered my house and plopped on the couch. I groaned. I'm not to certain on why..the loneliness perhaps? Yeah. I got up to eat some food for lunch. I grabbed a scone and a cup of tea. I sat down and started to drink it.


I just realized how depressing this is. I mean, I got the benefit. I get to keep them most of the time.

'You know what? I'm going to have a blast tomorrow..somehow-' I thought to myself. It was goin to be amazing. But, I had shit to do.. I decided to clean up the house even though it was already nice. I was bored..

Once I finished with that, I plopped back on the couch was I lonely..I checked the clock. Oh, long did I spend cleaning? Whatever.

I grabbed the teacup I left there hours ago off the table and brought it to the sink. I washed it and dried it carefully. I thought about Brittney..

My, did I want to bash my head apart at the fact I fell for her..Its scared me ever since. I probably didn't even fall for her, she probably tricked me..hypnotized me..well, at from what's she's done..I actually would be surprised.

I went to my room and opened the window. The fresh air poured through the room. I looked outside and saw the green trees on the green earth shooting to the sky. I watched the nstur for a bit until it started to get to dark. I checked the time 8PM.

'Ugh, what am I doing to get so encapsulated in time?' I thought. I knew the answer would probably never be answered, but questions are a good thing.

I fell on my bed and closed my eyes shut and let the void of sleep take me away..

Sorry of rit being short af-- lol

My Own French Frog || FrUk || NOT COMPLETE ||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin