Chapter 3: Pickup & Lunch

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I drove back to the daycare Alfred and Matthew were staying. I planned to pick them up right around lunchtime so they could eat before going home.

I drove up to the daycare and walked in. The lady who sat at the desk had long brown hair, green eyes, alot of makeup, a black jumpsuit, and long, red nails, which were clacking away at the keyboard.

"Oh, hello Mr. Kirkland!" She peered up at me and gave me a friendly smile, which was forced. She wasn't the best person to meet at the time.

"Hello to you to Ms. Lane," I groaned. She smiled, and stopped the horrific clacking on the keyboard.

"How may I help?" She asked, grabbing a piece of gum. She started to chew the gum and make bubbles, that would pop very quickly, with the classic pink gum.

"How do you think?" I said, clearly annoyed. I never wanted to put up with this woman's shit.

"Oh, you're getting a job here?" She cheered, eyes brightening. "Oh, that'd be wonderful!"

"No, Ms. Lane. I want my children," I said firmly. Her smile dipped.

"Okay.." she picked up the phone to call the children's caretaker, then paused. "But I am free Friday~" She grinned.

"Not interested," I cringed. She rolled her eyes and called Alfred and Matthew's caretakers. They both came out happy. Matthew ran over to me, and Alfred jogged. I greeted them as warmly as I could without looking odd.

I thanked Ms. Lane and brought the two to the car. The both hopped in and I asked them what they wanted for lunch. Matthew said pancakes, which made me chuckle. Alfred gave me a suspicious look.

"Papa?" He said.

"Yes, Alfred?" I replied. I had started driving down the road so it wouldn't look more odd that I just sat there in the parking lot.

"You only do this to cheer up the mood.. tell me why," he demanded.

"I will. After I get you McDonald's," I said. His face lit up.

"Oh, okay!" He grinned, "But this doesn't help you with the suspicion I have for you currently.." I smiled.

-time skip-

At the house the children brought their food in, because I absolutely refuse for them to eat in the car, and they set their food down.

"Soo..Papa?" Alfred said. "Care to tell me why you got us whatever we wanted for lunch?" He plopped down on the chair at the table.

"Sure, why not," I said, sitting down at the table aswell. Matthew was next to Alfred, eating his pancakes.

"Go on," Alfred said, flipping his hand on a circle jokingly.

"Of course. So, at the 'adult meeting' I get to keep you every week," I started. That got a quiet cheer. "But, you get to see your mother every other weekend, starting this weekend. She'll pick you up on her Fridays from the daycare and on Mondays after her weekend I'll pick you two up from there," I heard a tiny 'Boo!' at the mention of the mother. It came from Alfred.

"What's today Papa?" Matthew asked.

"Thursday.." I groaned. Two groans came after that. "But, guess what?"

"What?" The two chanted at the same time.

"I heard there's a nearby park that just opened," At the mention of 'park' the two children looked up with glee in their eyes.

The two started to rush their food but I interfered. "You don't have to eat so fast, you know?" They slowed down. "We have all the tome in the world."

The two finished their food faster than I would've preferred, but it was natural. Their children. They should live the best life I can give. Right?

-time skip YAY-

The two got out of the car and ran to the park. I followed them, slowly, but surely. I sat on a nearby bench and watched the two play together as children should. Other children were present and Alfred made it his job to befriend as many as he possibly could from what I saw.

He was successful with much, and Matthew played with them, but more quietly. My favorite thing about Matthew, he was humble. So humble.

I wish this moment could've lasted forever.. but before I knew it, we were home, the two getting ready for bed. As I sat down on my bed, I wished Brittney could've been nicer..

"But not everything's the way we want.." I whispered to my self as I drifted off to sleep.


(Story word count: 750 words)
Story word count + A/N 809 words)

I'm 100% proud of myselfff!!
Pls notify me with grammar.
Sometimes it messes up when I type,
Or autocorrects to something that
Doesn't make sense. But, anywho!
Thank you for reading this far!
It fills my day with joy I'd love to carry forever.


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