Chapter One - The Boys in The Rock Band

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"Remember when you joined the label and to test your popularity before signing a real contract, we made you a contract to open for Day6?" Minghao asked.

"Of course," Tea answered, thinking about the days she and Mya were on tour with DAY6 "How could we forget? Everything was so amazing."

"Our first tour as High as Hope, supporting an amazing band." She said, "We couldn't have had a better start."

"And the audience loved you." Jihoon commented "Which yielded a very advantageous partnership for both you and the label."

The two agreed. They had nothing to complain about the label. Thanks to their popularity and good reputation, the two had a lot of creative freedom.

"That said, I think you understand what a good opportunity this type of contract can be and would like others to enjoy the same opportunity." Jihoon asked.

"Of course." Tea said, and Mya nodded.

"Okay, we already understood that you already chose the band." Mya pointed out "Are you going to tell who they are or not?"

"Seventeen. It's a band that's been quite successful on Sunset." Woozi began "I went to see some of their shows, and I think they have potential."

"If you think so they probably have." Tea said. She trusted Jihoon a lot, he had a very good ear for new talents.

"We recorded a demo, and the label is interested... But they don't have the best of reputations, so they want to test their behavior and popularity of the boys, before signing them definitively."

"I knew you hesitating this much wasn't a good thing." Mya commented, pointing from Jihoon to Minghao.

"But don't worry, I've had a lot of talks with them, and I'm putting together a temporary contract that includes a clause that guarantees they don't cause trouble. And they're desperate for a contract, they will behave. And if they don't, they're out of the tour, and lose their contract offer."

Tea and Mya exchanged a suspicious look, wondering if this was even a good idea.

"Here is the contract." Minghao pointed, giving a copy to each girl. "Read and tell us your impressions, if it's okay or if you want to change something."

"Is this a request we can refuse or has the label already decided?" Mya asked after reading the contract.

"You can refuse," Minghao said.

"But they're good people, and they're talented, they're just misfits. But I give you my word that if they cause trouble, you can kick them out of the tour." Jihoon added.

Mya looked at Tea again and could see in the soft-hearted girl's pensive look that she wanted to give boys a chance.

"Can we meet them before giving a concrete answer?" Tea asked.

"I figured you would want this." Jihoon commented "They're playing at Troubadour tomorrow, if you're free..."

"We can go out for lunch, and you can watch the sound check and talk to them." Minghao suggested.

The girls were silent for a few moments, exchanging thoughtful glances.

"So, what do you say?" Jihoon asked.

"I'm up for it if Mya and the boys are up for it too." Tea said, talking about the rest of their band members, looking at her friend, with bright hopeful eyes that begged for a yes.

"I'm in if the boys agree." Mya agreed, still a bit apprehensive "But if I don't like them, forget about it." Mya said, pointing a finger at her friend, who clapped excitedly.

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