
Start from the beginning

"Well A black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way." Kakashi made up A weak excuse from the top of his head. Everyone but Umeko seemed to be glaring at the man, Umeko was far too focused on the mention of the cat. "Was it fluffy!?" She squealed. Kakashi blinked, "Uh- Well, let's get started." Kakashi ignored her, walking over to a stump and set A small alarm clock down. "There, it's set for noon."

"Your assignment is very simple. You just have to take these bells from me." Kakashi voiced in A calm manner. He held up three silver bells attached to red ropes, all of them seemingly kept in good condition. "If you can't get them by noon, you go without lunch. You'll be tied to those posts and forced to watch while I eat in front of you." He explained. Umeko sleepily frowned, she felt lucky that she had decided to eat some snacks a bit after she arrived at the training spot, it would make this a lot easier on her stomach.

"Wait, there are four of us. Why are there only three bells?" Sakura asked in a curious tone. "Oh that? Well at least one of you will end up tied to A post and ultimately disqualified for failing to complete the mission. That one goes back to the academy." Kakashi explained. Umeko frowned, the idea of returning to the academy wasn't awful, but it wasn't exactly all too favorable either.

"Then again, all four of you could flunk out too. You can use any weapon, including shuriken. And if you're not prepared to kill me, you won't be taking the bells." He spoke so calmly as if what he said wasn't in breach of several safety and teaching violations from the academy and jonin teacher log books.

"Those weapons are far too dangerous sensei!" Sakura proclaimed. "Man, this is gonna be easy! You couldn't even dodge an eraser. How are you supposed to dodge actual attacks?" Naruto laughed cockily.

Umeko knew a bit better than to underestimate A teacher, she had done some research the previous night and had discovered that her sensei was none other than the copycat ninja of the leaf, A highly reveared and feared Ninja who was considered one of the most powerful around. So it was in nobody's best interest to underestimate the man.

"Class clowns are usually the weakest links, you can safely ignore them. The lowest scores, the losers." Kakashi sighed. Naruto seemed to actually take offense to that unlike how he would usually ignore most of the villagers comments. "When I say start you can begin." Kakashi explained in his normal monotone voice.

Naruto charged at him with A kunai, he seemingly had no regard for his own safety as his attack was immediately stopped. When the dust cloud cleared Kakashi stood behind Naruto with his own Kunai pointed at his head. "Don't be so hasty. I didn't say start, yet." Kakashi sighed, letting go of Naruto's arm.

"Well at least you came at me with the intent to kill. So how can I say this? I'm actually starting to like you guys." He chuckled, Umeko smiled, it wasn't A big one but it was A smile. "Get ready...and start!"

Everyone in the team retreated back into the forest to hide, Umeko had teleported into A nearby tree and took watch of Kakashi, trying to see if there was anything she could exploit to get A bell. However before she could observe too much she noticed that Naruto hadn't jumped back. 'Oh god no, what is he doing?' she internally sighed, getting ready to teleport in and save his ass like normal.

"YOU AND ME RIGHT NOW! FAIR AND SQUARE LETS GO!" Naruto yelled, pointing towards Kakashi. Umeko sighed and changed to A more casual pose, letting her feet fall down as she sat on a tree branch. She would only interfere if she thought he was in real danger. "Y'know compared to the others you're a bit weird." Kakashi observed his voice brimming with confusion and a bit of concern. "Oh yeah? The only thing weird here is your haircut!" Naruto huffed and charged at the man. Umeko carefully watched the scene unfold and she noticed A small book in the man's hand, it was smaller than most in general size as it could fit in the man's hand easily.

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