The crowd watched with bated breath as Prince Daemon paced before the other contestants, taking his time to choose his opponent. A knight wearing dark green caught Enora's eye, her hands clenched in her lap as realization dawned on Enora. The Lady sent a quick prayer up to the Seven hoping her brother, Gwayne, wouldn't be chosen. Almost as soon as she had finished her prayer Prince Daemon came to a stop in front of Gwayne, swinging his lance so it pointed directly at his chest.

"Prince Daemon Targaryen chooses Ser Gwayne Hightower of Oldtown." The Master of Revels announced. "The eldest son of the Hand of the King."

"Mother?" a small voice drew Enora's attention as she turned to look at her son.

"Yes, my dear."

"Will Uncle Gwayne win?"

"I do not know for certain, but we must hope so." Enora smiled down at her son. "Let us say a quick prayer for his safety though."

The young boy followed his mother's lead, clasping his hands together in front of him and squeezing his eyes closed. Mother and son quickly said a prayer to the Seven before turning back to the tourney.

"I prayed that he'd win, mother." Unwin beamed up at his mother.

"Good job, now let us hope the Warrior hear our prayers."

Enora  watched  as the contestants rode to opposite sides of the field, a pit forming in her stomach. The drums started beating again, quickly reaching their crescendo as the contestants took off.

Steel met wood with a crash, as Gwayne's lance hit the Prince in the chest and knocked him back slightly. The opponents quickly raced back to the end's of the field. Hope for her brother filled Enora. Maybe the Warrior had heard their prayers. On the second try, instead of aiming for Gwayne, Prince Daemon swung his lance lower and hit Gwayne's horse's leg. The beast fell and Gwayne was thrown to the ground, his helmet flying off. was knocked off his horse. The crowd cheered at their Prince's win.

Enora grabbed both Unwin and Alicent's hand in one of hers as Gwayne didn't move. Servants and squires rushed onto the field, lifting Gwayne to safety. Her brown eyes followed her brother's limp figure not noticing as Prince Daemon approached the royal box.

Alicent's hand slipping from her grip, caused Enora to turn her attention back to the front of the Royal box. Princess Rhaenyra stood at the bannister greeting her uncle.

Prince Daemon 's attention turned to Alicent as she approached. "Now I'm fairly certain I can win these games, Lady Alicent. Having your favor would all but assure it."

Enora watched as Alicent grabbed her wreath from her seat, staring at her father as she did so before glancing at her sister. Enora gave her sister a small smile, hoping Alicent knew she didn't think any differently of her.

The tourney became even more brutal after  Prince Daemon's match. The other Lords and Knights following in their Prince's footsteps and cheating in an effort to get ahead in the game. When one such Knight knocked his opponent to the ground using a dirty trick, the Lord pulled the man from his horse. Blow after blow, an axe landed in the knight's head. Enora covered Unwin's eyes as another knight rushed onto the field and tackled the Lord to the ground. Picking up an abandoned shield, the knight bashed the Lord's head in.

With two contestants dead, Servants and Squires quickly rushed to pull the dead bodies away so the next match could begin. Though more bloodshed followed when three other contestants lost their lives.

"Ser Criston Cole will now tilt against Prince Daemon Targaryen, Prince of the City!" The Master of Revels announced the final match of the day. Both contestants stood on either side of the field, waiting for the signal to begin.

As the drums reached a crescendo the contestants were off, rushing to meet each other in the middle of the field. Steel met wood as Daemon's lance shattered. The Prince quickly grabbed another one from a nearby squire, and was off again.

Enora watched as the Prince was hit, knocking him back so his torso dragged along the metal fence, creating a high pitched noise as his armor scraped against it. Unable to pull himself up in time, Daemon crashed to the ground as the metal fence ended.

Pushing himself up with a grunt, Daemon yelled for his sword.

"Prince Daemon wishes to continue in a contest of arms!" the Master of Revels yelled.

Daemon charged his opponent, quickly ducking as the man swung a flail at him and hitting him in the chin with his shield. Through every swing of Darksister the Cole man managed to block it with his shield.

Ser Cole swung his weapon once again, this time however he struck the Prince's shield just right, causing it to split into pieces briefly bringing the prince to his knees. Daemon quickly spun out of the way, and landed a few blows with Dark Sister, before kicking the man in the chest causing the man to fall to the ground briefly.

The crowd cheered as Daemon once again kicked his opponent to the ground. At his perceived victory Daemon turned raising his arms in celebration.


Unknown to the prince his opponent had gotten up again and snuck up on him. Swinging his flail once again, Ser Criston Cole knocked the Prince to the ground, securing his victory as he pinned the Targaryen's arm beneath his boot.

Alicent pulled Rhaenyra from her seat as Ser Criston approached, the knight removed his helmet revealing tan features and a head of dark hair.

"I was hoping to ask for the Princess's favor." The Knight called.

Princess Rhaenyra happily threw her favor down to the man, a beaming smile on her face. All the sudden a tense energy filled the royal box as Members of the small council all rushed to each other, whispering in each other's ears before leaving the box

Enora knew it could only be one thing, Queen Aemma was dead..

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