39: The Path We Walk

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"If you're taking me out in the woods to murder me you should know I did a movie where that happened once and a professional walked me through escaping so I don't think you'd succeed." He deadpanned. 

Aizawa sighed. "Should you be bragging about being in a movie you weren't even old enough to see?" He asked. 

"They let me watch it." Taiya defended. "It was a pg horror film, I was eight, its not that big a stretch.". 

Aizawa looked like he was about to keel over. From old age probably. At least that's what Taiya thought. 

He knew he was probably sitting there thinking 'what idiot would let an eight year old watch a horror film?' but honestly, that happened all the time. They didn't all grow up in some dumb sheltered world like Aizawa wished they did. Fuck, they'd probably be shitty heroes if they had. Sometimes you need to be tossed in the trunk of a car and driven around a bit. It built character. Literally and figuratively. 

"Seriously though where are we going?". 

"On a hike, and then a picnic when we get to the end.". 


Aizawa seemed somewhat self satisfied with the kid's remark, and Taiya couldn't figure out why. He was already a little uneasy, this wasn't making it better. 

"You'll like it." The man said, like it was some sort of promise. 

"Don't think I will, but your effort doesn't go unnoticed." Taiya sneered. Aizawa just kept the same smug expression on his face. 

In the end it was just some random national park. They got a parking slip and Aizawa picked a spot close to the trail head. 

"Its not long, about an hour to where we're going and then an hour back." He explained as he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the car door. Taiya did the same. 

"Yeah, cause I have nothing I want to do more than walk for two fucking hours." The teen sighed. 

"You don't, its a weekend and Iida told me you hadn't left your room once." The teacher countered. 

"Snitch." Taiya muttered under his breath. And after he saved the guy from the hero killer. See if he ever made out with a villain to save anyone ever again. 

With that, they started their slow trudge along the trail. It seemed pretty empty, nothing but trees and rocks. No views either, no sweeping ocean-scapes or city skylines. Just trees. 

"This is really boring." Taiya told his guardian as they walked along. "Why are we even doing this?". 

"Because I lied and said you liked hiking so we had more time, you little shit.". 

Taiya spun around, ready to tear into his teacher for cursing after getting on him about it. 

"Hey kid." Mori smiled, "Miss me?". 

The kid just stood there, staring between Aizawa and Mori, who was standing next to him. His mouth was open in a shocked expression Mori wished he could capture in a photo. 

"Hey come on," Mori continued, but his voice broke. He was on the verge of tears from the sound of it. "Don't look at me like that, not like I died or anything.". 

Smoke And Mirrors (BNHA x Male OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن