(Y/N) and Tanaka ate a lot because their dinner is made by Kiyoko.

Almost all of them left the room while Kiyoko is washing the dishes.

(Y/N) was waiting for everyone to leave because he has a plan. Those two are the only ones left in the room.

He then goes behind Kiyoko. (Y/N) then suddenly places his chin on Kiyoko's shoulder, it made her flinch.

"You're so close to me..." Kiyoko thought to herself while she is blushing.

(Y/N) did that on purpose because he wanted to make a move on her, a very bold one.

"Since when did you become so clingy?" Kiyoko continued to wash the dishes with composure despite the fact her crush's chin is on her shoulder.

"It's your fault..." (Y/N) is referring that Kiyoko's kisses have made him so clingy to her.

"Why is that?" Kiyoko became confused a bit.

(Y/N) then changes the subject because he is embarrassed to answer. "I'll help you wash the dishes."

"No need, go take a shower and wait for my text." Kiyoko stated.

"Hm? A text? Why?" (Y/N) became curious.

"It's a secret." She giggles. "Just do what I say."

"Okay then..."


(Y/N) has already taken a shower and is with the boys in a room with lots of futons.

While he is watching a video on YouTube, he received a text from Kiyoko.

While he is reading the message, it made him widen his eyes when he reads it.

He stood up from his futon, (Y/N) is now going to the door.

He then sees Nishinoya laying on the bed smiling while he is texting someone.

"Are you texting my cousin?" (Y/N) asks her.

The Libero became surprised. "How did yo- I mean, where are YOU going?" Nishinoya changes the subject.

"Cover for me, tell the others I have a bad stomach and I'm at the toilet." (Y/N) then leaves the room quickly.

"Um, sure?" Nishinoya then continued to text Inori.

Later, (Y/N) then enters a room. He sees two futons on the floor.

He then sees Kiyoko is sitting on one of the futons. "Hello there."

"Y-You're serious? We're gonna be s-sleeping alone here? I thought you were going home later?" (Y/N) is now stuttering because of the situation he is in right now. "You do realize I'm a guy and you're a woman."

"I'm well aware, now come here and sit beside me. I'm only sleeping here just one time." Kiyoko stated.

"Okay..." (Y/N) then sits on the other futon and is now beside his crush.

Suddenly, the two of them hear people yelling outside.


"It's me, Asahi!" The former looks so scary with his hair down.

"SHUT UP, YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!" Daichi yelled at the top of his lungs.

Kiyoko became confused about what started the commotion.

"It's Daichi. He's scolding those idiots right now." (Y/N) laughs a bit.

"I see..." Kiyoko then hugs her legs.

"Now...Why are we doing this?" (Y/N) asks her.

"It's just that I have a request." Kiyoko answered.

"Anything for you." (Y/N) stated.

"It's just that I'm about to graduate soon."

"I'm aware of that."

"I haven't experienced a lot of...things that many teenagers have experienced in high school. I want to experience those things with you." Kiyoko said it while being embarrassed a bit.


"I get jealous of my classmates who are sort of bragging about those things so I want to try those as well."

"But...why me?"

"It's because I trust you. I trust you the most." Kiyoko answered.

"If you trust me that much, I can't disappoint you then." (Y/N) chuckles. "What do you want me to do?"

"There's this thing I want to try, come here and lay your head on my lap." Kiyoko said

(Y/N) took a moment to realize on what she just said. "Is...this a dream?" He thought to himself.

"You don't want to?" She said as she sees (Y/N) is silent for a moment.

"I w-want to!" (Y/N) answered with no hesitation.

"Come here." Kiyoko stated.

Later, (Y/N)'s head is laying on Kiyoko's lap.

"Oh my God...if this is a dream...I don't want to wake up!" (Y/N) thought to himself as he enjoys the view.

He then feels Kiyoko's hand is stroking his hair, he closes his eyes for a bit as he enjoyed it.

"To be honest...With your head on my lap, you're so cute...it makes me want to pamper you." Kiyoko said with a warm smile as she is poking (Y/N)'s cheek.

(Y/N) became quiet as he is blushing. He is blushing because she looks so beautiful to him right now.

"I am asking a lot from you so I can get those experiences, I think I should return the favor, so it's fair. Do you have any requests for me?" Kiyoko asks.

"I want you to rely on me." (Y/N) answered with no hesitation. He'd do anything for her.

"(Y/N)-kun...I'm only a year older so you should rely on me instead." Kiyoko replied. It seems she also will do anything for him.

Later, the two teenagers have slept together but they haven't done anything wrong that could jeopardize the two teenagers' future.

(Y/N) will have to focus on something else for a while. Which is having a practice match against Nekoma High in the upcoming days.

To be continued.


(Y/N) and Kiyoko's relationship is getting better, trust the process!

(Y/N) and Kiyoko's relationship is getting better, trust the process!

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