And he can prove it with a solid right look

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Gerard's POV

Unfortunately the lesson is over in about 10 minutes. I told the class to continue drawing the fruits which they've been drawing for the last couple of days. I on the other hand am just looking at him again and again, wanting to complete my drawing of him. I've been working on it for a while now, but something still doesn't seem right. The lippiercing is alright, the hair looks quite good, but something is a bit off.. Ah I think I drew his plugs a touch to small. I rub out that part of the drawing and redraw the plugs, this time a bit bigger. Looks much better now. I look up to him once again, to check that I'm now done with my picture of him, as the bell suddenly rings. I quickly pack away the sketch of him and smile at my pupils exiting the room. "See you tomorrow Mr.Way!!" Rachel really seems to like me. "See you tomorrow, Rachel." I reply, not sounding as happy as she did talking. He is one of the last one's to leave, and I cannot wait for him to walk past me. To smell him, to look at his beauty, to say "Goodbye" or something to him. Maybe I'll ask if he's managing to draw the fruit okay. Here he comes.

"Heyy Frank, how's the drawing? Are you managing okay?" I try to not sound as excited as I really am talking to him. "Uhh fine I guess. Not the best at art, but I think you know that by now." He laughs a little. So. Adorable. "Okay that's good then, you can ask me for help if you need some anytime really." I smile at him, not wanting him to leave me. We're alone in the classroom, the others have all left. Can't he just stay and talk to me? I really want to get to know him better. Everything I know about him is what I have overheard other students say about him, and everything I could find on the internet. "Yeah thanks I will, cya tomorrow" Well he obviously isn't thinking the same about me as I am about him. Or maybe he's just shy. I mean, of course he's shy, I know that. I see him nearly everyday, so that I know about him. Ugh he's so cute. Why do I have to be his teacher, it's just not fair! He's not even an adult yet, he's still 17. That makes me like 20 years older than him. WHAT. More than double his entire lifetime. Gosh I hate myself. Why can't I just be in love with some chick my age? And not my fucking 20 years old younger male student.

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