Part 3: The Old World

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Years Later

The blades of grass bobbed in the wind as the sun shed its light upon them. A bird wyvern was making careful steps near a steep ledge. It's scales were a dusty red, it's beak formed with a large underbite, and two large fan like ears twitched with each step. A Yian Kut-ku. It eyed the ledge fearfully, as it could hear strange noise from below. The creature slowly leaned its head over to see what was at the bottom. Suddenly a red shape appeared from the edge and soared upwards, frightening the Kut-ku. Massive wings brought the beast higher and higher. It entered the clouds and flew above them. "WOOOOOOOO!" cried a shape on its back, "That was exhilarating!" Ben took off the helmet and took in a deep breath, "That Tigrex was feisty." Blaze growled in response. "Look it wasn't my fault you got stuck in the shock trap." Blazed roared softly. Ben laid on his back, "Besides, I did most of the work." Blaze grunted and slowed down.

Ben sat back up in order to hold onto Blaze while he hovered, "Don't do it." Blaze looked at Ben. "Don't you dare..." Before he could finished Blaze tucked in his wings... and began a free fall. Ben lost his grip. Blaze opened his wings as Ben fell farther. "BLAAAAAAAAAAZE!" Blaze waited for a while before swooping down. Blaze angled himself over Ben and held out his claws. "OK YOU DID MORE THAN ME! YOU TOTALLY DID MORE DAMAGE TO THE TIGREX JUST GRAB ME!" Blaze hooked his claws onto Ben and flared out his wings, dangerously close to the ground. Blaze lowered his head towards Ben. "Not cool!" Ben yelled. Blaze gave off a sound that sounded like chuckling. They flew by a herd of Aptonoth frightening them in the process. The Aptonoth quickly retreated into the trees. Ben saw a pack of Velociprey watching them, "Sorry, better luck next time."

Blaze flew towards a large complex of structures, a major port city. Instead of going to it, Blaze lowered down to the ground, towards a nearby village. Ben was dropped and Blaze landed. "Your lucky we're friends, or else I'd have your tail on a wall," Ben scolded. Blaze mocked him back. Ben sighed and scratched Blaze's chin, "What am I to do with you?" The both of them made their way towards a house with a singed roof. Ben entered the house and leaned his great sword against a wall. His father was sitting at the table, "Oh welcome back, how was the assignment?" Ben took a seat and began talking about the hunt with the Tigrex. "Let me guess, you forgot to use earplugs?" asked his father. Ben replied, "When do I need earplugs?" His father shook his head, "You know Tigrex have deafening roars. I thought you would've taken that into account." Ben shrugged. His father grunted. Ben always felt that his father disapproved of him, that he was never proud. Ben wanted to fix that, he wanted to see his father be proud of him. He chose to do these harder and harder hunts not to have a challenge or to better his skills... but to prove himself to him.

Blaze tried to poke his head through the window. "Hey knock it off, you'll break it," said Ben's father. Blazed softly roared. "So father... I have been thinking... that we should go somewhere," said Ben. His father looked at him, "The new world? Ben, you know we can't do that." Ben replied, "I could convince the guild, besides I was born there right? I should be in the new world." "Just because you were born there doesn't mean you belong there," his father retorted. Blaze roared. Ben pointed at Blaze, "Blaze comes from the new world, he wasn't meant to be here. Remember, there are differences between old and new world Raths." "Don't pull your monster into this." "I'm close to being able to be on my own." "The new world is dangerous." "So is the old world." His father stood up from the table, "Look, if you want to go to the new world then fine. All I request is one thing." Ben stood up, "What?" "You take it slow, start off small." Ben felt confused, "Start off small? Are you saying I do beginners quests?" His father put a hand over his shoulder, "I don't want to find out that you went to fight something dangerous and lost your life to it, not to mention that it's a hotspot for elder dragons." Ben stared at his father, "Ok. I'll start off small." His father nodded, "I'll talk to the guild to get you on a ship." Ben felt excitement run through his body. "Pack your things, your going to the new world." "Wait, what about you?" His father stopped at the door, "I don't plan on going, besides, it'll be harder to get the guild to allow me to leave." Ben could only nod, the guild wouldn't want a skilled hunter to leave the area they were told to stay in. His father left to go to the port city. Ben looked at Blaze, "This is our chance, to return home! We will see the land we were meant for, and we will take on any challenges it throws at us!" Blaze grunted. Ben knew he would find a monster in the new world, a powerful one, and defeat it. He'll show his father and gain his approval. Of course, Ben couldn't help but feel a small dread in him, but he couldn't tell why. He packed his stuff and looked out at a small flower garden. Two flowers stood out as they were separated. One yellow, one white.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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