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Gaon sat on the picnic blanket looking at the happily giggling little boy chasing butterflies. Gaon's heart warmed seeing the scene in front of him.

Little Jaehan kept chasing the butterflies and once in a while looking back at Gaon to enthusiastically show him his discoveries. Gaon was enjoying this sudden picnic. But a slight discomfort was present in his mind. He just didn't know what or why.

He felt like someone was watching him. You know this erie feeling where your body knows even before your eyes see it? Gaon felt that from the moment he got out of the house with the little child on tow.

And right now even in the middle of picnic he couldn't completely concentrate because the certain gut feeling of being watched was etched to his skin like a crawling insect.

Looking at Jaehan enjoying the picnic he couldn't even ask him to go back home.

When his phone rang he was so startled that he looked at it with suspicion.

"Gaon ah! When are you getting back home?" Kang Jaejung's voice reached his ears through the reciever.

"We'll be back in the afternoon." Gaon answered. Though his beating heart from the earlier fright hasn't calmed down.

"Then be careful on the way. I'll be out to get goods from the town market."

The little conversation and the contagious laughter of Jaehan made Gaon forget about his fear for a few hours. Until he has reached home and opened the closed door of the small one story house. He has only just sent Jaehan back inside and came out to close the door outside when he felt someone hit his head with something really heavy.

He saw black in front of his eyes. When his vision got back his head was already dizzy. But maybe seeing him open his eyes the perpetrators felt threatened to be revealed. And his body was hit again. And most of it was directed upwards. As if the perpetrators intentionally targeted his head. As if they wanted him dead.

Before he could make any sound, someone held his head from behind. His chin was held with force and a hoarsh unrecognisable voice said in his ears.

"It's not your fault. You're just paying for someone else."

And they let him go.

He fell down with pain allover his body. From a distance he heard Kang Jaejung's voice.

"Uncle!" He tried to call out to the old man. But the incessant pain made it impossible to speak louder.

When Kang Jaejung finally entered the house he saw Gaon lying on the ground holding his head and most probably passed out. When he rushed to check he saw Gaon on the brink of consciousness. With the help of a neighbour he carried Gaon inside and laid him down on the bed.

At a time like this it was hard to find a doctor. But they probably can't let Gaon stay like that. With that in mind, Kang Jaejung sent the young neighbour of his to find some help.

Luckily a grandson of the old potter in the neighborhood was a doctor and he was on a vacation staying over in the village. He was immediately called and he helped bandage Gaon's wounds.

Though anyone would be suspicious of why would Gaon be beaten up. But in Kang Jaejung's opinion that's not something they should think right now.

The next morning, Gaon woke up with immense pain in his head. He could vaguely trace the edge of bandages on his head. A small hand was holding his right hand. When he turned around he saw the curled up body of Jaehan lying by his side at a safe distance.

"Jaehan ah."

The child didn't move. He thought Jaehan stayed by his side throughout the night. And then his heart ached thinking how scared Jaehan would have felt to see him like that.

With a weak body he reached out to the glass of water by the bedside.

As he drank to his heart's content he heard the sound of the door closing.


He tried to say. But the voice came out as rough.

"Gaon ah! Kkaesseo?" (Gaon! Did you wake up?)

The old man came in to see the scene in the room. He sat by Gaon's side and checked his temperature first.

"How do you feel?"

Gaon nods slowly. "I'm okay."

"Hm." The old man said. Then sat there checking on Jaehan as if nothing happened. This made Gaon uncomfortable. He thought Kang Jaejung asking him what happened and why he was beaten should be normal. But the old man didn't as little as mention last night's incident.

He looked at Gaon only to see him looking at his direction.

"Aren't you going to ask me?"

The old man raised his eyebrows at Gaon's question. "Ask what?"

"Why I was beaten?"

The older man looked at his face with nothing showing. As if he didn't care whatever happened. His only concern was if Gaon was okay. And he focused on that part with everything he had.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked back.

"I'm afraid I'd implement you guys. Jaehan is just a child. What if something happens to him?"

The old man held the young child into his lap. Then looked at Gaon.

"Gaon ah. You might not have told me. But I know you can protect both yourself and Jaehan. Why should I worry? I trust you. You may have some pain hidden in your past, that's why I didn't bring it up. But that doesn't mean I don't see you. I lost my son and daughter-in-law. I was only left with Jaehan. But then you came along and proved that I can trust you. I found my lost son in you."

The old man paused for a moment to breath. Then continued.

"I'm not going to be suspicious of you. You have given me enough reason not to. And if one day you want to talk to me about it, talk to me. I'll listen. But don't ever think that I'm going to drive you away." Kang Jaejung gave a mischievous smile. "I still need a son to take care of me in old age, you know."

And thus the tense atmosphere in the room and the stillness in Gaon's heart eased away. He was given a new reason to be happy.

Though the words the perpetrators who hit him said made him think, he knew he'll be careful from now on. And that he had someone he can rely on.


Hello everyone!! I'm back and here's another chapter!! I hope you like it!

OMG Gaon is hurt! Who is he beaten for? Why would anyone do that for him?? Can you guess?? Lemme know in the comments!

Also today's chapter is dedicated to my best friend who got her first job and I'm really proud of her! Also I'm thinking of starting a graphic shop, where you can order a book cover or any art for yourself! What do you think?

So that's it for today! See you in the next chapter!

All the love
C 💕

Also please don't forget to vote!! ⭐⭐

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