Julio must not have expected any word of courtesy coming from his daughter because he was stopped short in taking yet another sip of his coffee. She could have imagined it, but Jimena could have sworn that a ghost of relief shadowed his face before the usual stoicism covered his previous expression.

"Very well." He said as he then drifted his gaze to Carlos. "I have already said this earlier, but I'm going to say this again, Happy birthday son. Enjoy your day, and don't forget to be responsible with the money that we have given you today."

Latisha who as per usual, was quiet during the entire previous conversation, nodded and smiled tearily.

"Happy birthday son." She said, her voice shaky.

Carlos smiled widely at their parents and without warning - like the total golden retriever that he was - he stood up and sprawled his huge arms on their back. Unsurprisingly, their father made a face at the sudden weight while their mother just continued smiling.

Truthfully, Jimena tried so hard not to but with Carlos's huge frame covering her parents like a huge cloud, she let out a small laugh which she instantly covered by shoving a spoonful of rice towards her mouth. Leonardo, who was sitting beside her during that time and had noticed what she had done was also fighting his laugh by taking a huge gulp of his coffee.

Felipe and Hector, who had not noticed the interaction, could only look at them strangely as they released strangled sounds from their mouths. 'They must have taught that we are deranged.' Jimena thought as she met the questioning eyes of Hector.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Yeah, what has gotten you and Kuya Leonardo into stitches?" Felipe added with his suspicious eyes.

Jimena winced as she saw their parents and her Kuya Carlos diverting their attention toward them. Instantly, to cover what was truly happening, Jimena deflected and proceeded to direct her attention towards Carlos who was also now looking curiously towards their seats.

"Nothing of the matter, Kuya Hector, Kuya Felipe." She replied, and to change the subject, she continued. "May I ask Kuya Carlos, where are we going today?"

Carlos just shrugged, his smile not waning. Unfortunately, what he said next made a sense of impending doom grow within Jimena's stomach. And from the looks of her other siblings, they have also felt uneasy because of the statement.

"It's for me to know and for you guys to find out." Was what he said vaguely; which in Jimena's experience, could mean anything when it comes to Carlos.

Surprisingly when they went out of Jimena's school after asking permission, Carlos led them to an unassuming panciteria located at Plaza Sta. Cruz. It was an honest-looking establishment instead of the nefarious looking one which she had established inside her mind.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Carlos asked when they disembarked from their kalesas. Jimena looked at her other brothers and sure enough, they were looking at Carlos with the same bewilderment that she was feeling. "You guys are surprised." He then concluded after a beat.

Leonardo shook his head.

"Well, you can't fault us if we have this reaction brother," He explained. "You have...let's say, a very strange idea as to what is considered fun."

Carlos guffawed, his hand touching his belly as he did so. Meanwhile, on the side, Jimena amusedly looked as the other people turned to them because of the said action.

"Oh, you wound me, brother," Carlos said, his eyes filled with mirth. "Just because I have an affinity with physical activities, doesn't mean that I like mellow things any less."

Cambiar Las Mareas: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now