chapter 29

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Meanwhile with Izuku,

Dabi came bursting through the doors frantically as if someone were chasing him

"Boss, we've got a problem" he said to Todoroki as he tried to catch his breath

"What is it and it better be a serious problem or else and what was that sound" Todoroki replied

"Sir, Bakugo is dead Toga killed him and then Kirishima killed Toga and blew up the library" he said

"What! That just ruins all our plan why would Toga do that"

"All for one ordered her to"

"He did what?!" Todoroki said standing up

"He ordered Toga to do it and threatened me not to say anything"

"You all are so fucking useless" he said sprinting out to meet All for one

When Izuku heard the news his breathing became sporadic as tears were streaming down his face.

"Izuku! Relax, you have to breathe" Dabi said as he grabbed his hand guiding him

Izuku's breathe slowly became stable

"What can you hear?" He said guiding him

"Umm, y-you, the fan, w-water dripping, my heart beat" Izuku replied

"Good your doing great, everything will be okay"

"I-is it true?" Izuku said with tears in his eyes

"Is what true?" Dabi asked

"Is he d-dead?" Izuku asked

"Oh shit, you heard. Yes it's true I'm so sorry Izuku" Dabi answered as he hugged Izuku

"No, no it can't be true he promised me, he fucking promised me!!." He said as he broke down sobbing into Dabi's cloth.

"It's okay Izuku everything will be okay" Dabi said as he slowly strokes Izuku's green curls

"It's not okay, it's all my fault he died trying to save me i led him to his death if i hadn't met him he would still be alive" Izuku said feeling the guilt in his heart

"Hey, it's not your fault ok. He wanted to save you, he loved and cared for you. I don't think he would want you crying would he?" he said grabbing onto Izuku cheeks reassuring him

"He won't" said a sniffling Izuku

"Good now stop crying everything will be alright" he said as he cleaned Izuku's tears with his fingers

Todoroki's pov,

I can't believe that old man ordered Toga to kill Bakugo he is ruining everything. I walked over to his office as a abruptly entered.

"What do you think you're doing?" said a shocked Hizashi

"What do You think you're doing!?" Said a pissed Todoroki

"What the fuck are you talking about" said Hizashi

"Who the fuck do you think you are to come in here and change my plans, may i remind you who owns this place" said Todoroki as he got close to Hizashi

"And may i remind you who gave you this position in the first place, i can easily remove you"

"You can't do shit old man"

"Oh really, maybe i should visit your girlfriend who is pregnant for you baby and kill her"

"You wouldn't dare, i have your son with me and i won't hesitate to kill him"

"Like i care, he is worthless anyway."

"You won't see the last of me. Just stick to the plan and stop ruining shit"

"Instead of whining, can't you see this is a great opportunity. The UA gang are vulnerable at the moment seeing that their leader is dead we could use this moment to attack them" said Hizashi

"That's a good idea when should we attack"

"Tonight we go at midnight"

What they didn't know was that Bakugo was listening closely to all they were saying and he immediately texted Kirishima about the information

Kirishima's pov,

We had Momo locked in a cell while we figured out our next plan with Toga. Suddenly i got a text from Bakugo i was relieved to see him okay

"Guys i got a text from Bakugo" i said to Sero, Kaminari, Mina, and Toga who were the only people who knew that Bakugo was alive

"What does it say?" Asked Mina

"He said that the Lov were planning on attacking us this night at midnight when we least expect it" He said as he read what Bakugo sent

"So what we going to do now without Bakugo" said Kaminari

"When they come we are gonna be prepared they won't know that we know all of their plans it will be a shock on their face and Toga here is gonna help us" said Kirishima

"I have been in that group for the past 8 years i know all their weaknesses and strengths so leave that to me" said a proud Toga

"But we need to be armed so Sero you know what to do, we need all we can get grenades, smoke bombs, tear gas, guns, shotguns, snipers, gadgets, grappling guns, all the weapons we can get." Kirishima said to Ser

"You can count on me" said Sero

"Kaminari i need you to get your tech things ready and put cameras near the gate so we will know when they are near." Kirishima said to Kaminari

"Roger that" said Kaminari

"And Mina go with Toga and try to get information from Momo, torture her get her to spill but don't kill her or her baby we are not monsters" Kirishima said to Kaminari

"Being boss fits you a lot you looked like Bakugo just now" Mina said as she smiled

"I get that a lot" said Kirishima

They all went their separate ways Kaminari stayed back to tell Kirishima something

"Kiri, i know you're scared but everything will be okay" said Kaminari as he kissed his forehead

"I'm just worried he is my brother and my best friend if i lose him I'll never be the same again" Kirishima said as he hugged him

"He's gonna be okay baby, but right now we need you to be strong for him, believe in him okay." Kaminari said as he cupped his face kissing him lightly

"Thanks babe,i needed that lemme go and addressthee others" Kirishima said as he stood up

"I have news so right now i heard from a double agent who is currently at the Lov headquarters that the Lov were planning to attack here Tonight at midnight and i know everyone is down because of Bakugo but we need to rise up and fight back let's avenge our brother let's avenge our king so everyone grab a weapon or anything at all you can get it from Sero because we are going to war"

Everyone chanted the words
UA!, UA,! UA!

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