Chapter 9

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Izuku's pov;

i was nervous for the date even if i was the one who suggested it. So i called the person who knew everything about fashion.

Mina: Hey Izuku

Izuku: Mina I need your help. I asked Bakugo out and I don't know what to wear

Mina: *Secretly thanking Uraraka for giving Izuku that dare* You have come to the right person. First, is it a casual or formal attire

Izuku: I don't know Lemme ask Bakugo. *Texts Bakugo*

Izuku: Bakugo is it a formal or casual date

Bakugo: Formal

Izuku: Ok tnx bye

Mina: Sooo

Izuku: Formal

Mina: Ok do you want to wear a dress or a suit

Izuku: I'm used to dresses

Mina: So, a dress it is

Mina: So, a dress it is

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Izuku: *hears a notification ring on his phone*

Bakugo: Be ready around 4pm

Izuku: Ok I'm excited for our date. Where are we going.

Bakugo: It's a surprise

Izuku: I love surprises, but I hate waiting

Bakugo: Don't worry baby just wait a little longer. Its already 2pm 2 more hours to go

Izuku: *Blushes at the text* whats with the pet name

Bakugo: Idk just felt like saying it

Izuku: ok then kacchan

Mina: *setting up the makeup set* ooo~ why are you blushing. Is that Bakuhoe your texting

Izuku: *Blushes and nods his head slowly*

Mina: Ok let's start. Do you want a cute or smoky look?

Izuku: Smoky hot. Something that can seduce Bakugo

Mina: I like how you think. Ok then


Mina helped him to do his makeup. When she was through, she handed Izuku a mirror to look at himself. He obviously looked gorgeous

Izuku: Wow Mina you're good at this

Mina: I know thank you

Izuku: *checks the time* Shoot its already 3:15p.m. I must dress up

Mina: Ok then good luck with your date*leaves the room


While Izuku got ready. Someone was plotting evil against him. This person is the traitor in their gang. This person secretly planned to meet their rival

Todoroki: What brings you here Momo

Momo: I have an offer to propose

Todo: And what makes you think I trust you

Momo: You want Izuku all to yourself right

Todo: Keep going

Momo: I want Bakugo to myself so let's plan to ruin their relationship and take over their gang together. You can have Izuku while I keep Bakugo

Todo: Your crazy but I like it. I like the way you think.

Momo: So, we have a deal

Todo: Sure deal

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