Violent words

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WARNING: Angst, cheating, aggressive words. (Hi y'all! So this will be the first of the last 2 parts, hope you all enjoy ^^)

Tanjiro pov:

Inosuke had been clearly avoiding me, was it what I said about Kanao? When I finally caught him he seemed so on edge.

"Inosuke..? Talk to me, why were you gone for so long?" I said grabbing his shoulder.

In an instant he smacked my hands and shoved me off my feet to the floor. His eyes were red and puffy, liked he'd been crying for hours, his eyes were still watery. I went to reach out for his hand and he hit it away again.

"Tanjiro. You are the scum of the land. You didn't think to tell me I was just a hole to you huh?!" He started yelling at me, "I had to learn from you fucking sister that you and Kanao are still fucking together! Just when I had thought I finally had my damn life together you had to go and throw it to shit! I talked with Sanemi, Tanjiro. I went to a fucking adult because I didn't even know how to deal with the shit you made me feel! I actually thought you wanted to be with me, Zenitzu told me I was just a side piece or some shit. You didn't even tell me directly that you didn't fucking like me. You just showed up with your girlfriend and expected me to just be okay with it? The fuck is wrong with you, like are you actually messed up in the head? You have never been so fucking disgusting and inconsiderate to anyone, and you do it to me? The one who doesn't know what feelings are according to everyone. I can't believe I actually fell in love with a piece of shit like you."

I was at a loss for words. He was crying heavily, and he woke up everyone. Kanao and the others were peaking through the door. My heart dropped when I realized what I made him think.

"Inosuke... let's take his outside.. please?" I said getting off the floor and heading towards the door.

"Fuck no. If you want to say something to me do it in front of everyone, I've been made a joke by you long enough."

God damnit, "fine we'll play your stupid games. You think I've been making fun of you? Tough shit. You can't have it any more wrong. I wouldn't fucking date you in the first place if I could control how I felt. You were my original crush, but I didn't think I was gay, so Kanao was my alternate. Then she up and left for almost 3 years with no word. How the fuck was I supposed to know we were still dating? I didn't get a card a letter or anything. I had no way of knowing we were even together in the first place! We were so awkward we never officially said we were a couple. And this bullshit about you not knowing your feelings is the shittest excuse I've ever heard. I know for a fact you like to play dumb because your scared of how you actually feel! I don't hide away from my feelings like I coward, even if I did, I would still know how I felt! You brain is just to small to comprehend the smallest of things!"

I watched as is face just dropped. He didn't seem shocked, just hurt.

"Thanks for telling me... I thought we actually had something. Apparently I wasn't thinking." He wiped his tears and walked out the door.

"Inosuke! Wait Inosuke please!" I tried to stop him but I felt a tug on my arm.

"Brother... let him go.." Nezuko said to me gripping on my arm.

"Tanjiro, was Inosuke your boyfriend? You could have told me that when I first arrived, I would have slept somewhere else." Kanao said walking up to me as well.

"You really are shitty Tanjiro, I feel bad for Inosuke and I don't even like the guy." Zenitzu said leaning on the doorway.

"I was trying to get him to sleep with me the first night.. I asked but he didn't answer. I... I don't know what to do... I didn't mean to say what I said like that... I really do like him I swear..!" I said covering my face trying not to cry.

"Brother.. you have to speak with him... but not today.. he needs time alone." Nezuko hugged my waist.

"If you need help I'm here for you Tanjiro, even if we are exes." Kanao said placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I know you two shits will work it out, you always do." Zenitzu said before heading back to bed bringing Nezuko with him.

"But I don't know if we can this time... I fucked up real big Kanao what to i do..?"

"The only thing you can do, talk to him." Kanao rubbed my shoulder before heading to bed as well.

I was so worried about Inosuke that I didn't get a wink of sleep. I had walked around the cabin nearly 100 times before dawn even broke. I was so tense that he wouldn't come back I had cried several times. My eyes were so bloodshot from rubbing them so much and my head hurt from banging it on things. Just as I was about to start crying again I saw him walking back to the cabin with Sanemi.

"Inosuke!" I almost tripped running to him.

This time he let me hug him. Sanemi glanced at me and flashed me a smile. Then I felt Inosuke hug me back.

"I'm.. sorry for running away Tanjiro..." he said in a soft tone.

"Don't be! I'm the one that needs to apologize. If I had maybe just told you or told Kanao this could have been avoided. I know I fucked up, but I do really like you.. I love you Inosuke. I always have, and no matter what happens to us, I always will. I'm sorry Inosuke.." I cried into his shoulder.

He gently rubbed my head, "I took it a little to far.. I should also apologize.. I didn't let you explain yourself I just blew up at you.. I had Sanemi explain it to me.."

I looked at Inosuke and he was blushing slightly. He must be embarrassed his angry boy cover was blown. I chuckled to myself and smiled at Inosuke.

"I never want you to leave me.. I don't think I could do anything without you.." I said.

His face turned red from ear to ear, "Tanjiro.. I don't want to leave either.. your my everything... I think that's how you say it.." his eyes met mine and he smiled at me.

"Alright you two, no more stupid ass fights, it's not healthy for you. And speak with each other! None of this Miscommunication crap. Even if it's awkward it's better then a useless fight okay?" Sanemi said patting us both on the back.

We nodded and he turned and headed back into the woods. I few feet into the woods I spotted Giyuu waiting for him with a smile. Sanemi grabbed his high arm and walked away laughing and chatting with him. I forgot that him and Giyuu were together. Ever since Giyuu lost an arm during the fight they were pretty much inseparable from each other. It's almost as they were married...


"What Tanjiro?"

"What if we got married what would you say..?"

"I'd probably ask Sanemi what that is... but I'd probably say yes.. why?"

"I want to get married.. someday.. to you and you only..."

"Are you proposing..?"

"Yeah, Inosuke will you marry me one day?"

Wassup y'all! I wanted to finish this story off well and quick! I am always open to making lil small stories onto this one but as for the main story its almost done! I have another bunch of stories I'm working on that are either oc stories or are just more personal ships. I'm excited to share more stories with you all.

(Ps. I was debating whether or not to post this one so you all lmk if I should rewrite it ^^)

Word count: 1380

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