Happy Mother's Day Maxi

Start from the beginning

Maxi smiled, it sounded lovely but even though it was Mother's Day it didn't mean that Riftan's daily responsibilities simply went away. Her bright expression became puzzled as her smile faltered and her brows scrunched.

"Hebaron and Uslin can manage training for one day," Riftan said reassuringly, noticing the confused look that had crossed her face.

"If they don't destroy one another over who has more authority," Maxi mumbled with an amused chuckle.

Riftan laughed at his wife's comment as he got out of bed and stretched before walking over to her.

"True," he said with a grin before kissing the top of her head. "but that, like everything else, can wait to be addressed tomorrow. Today is about celebrating you Maxi."

He raised his arm in front of him, bent and slightly to the side. Maxi smiled and gracefully accepted his arm as her escort. Riftan looked down at his children and smiled.

"Shall we?" he asked.

The children shouted with delight and ran ahead of their parents towards the grounds, excited to ride with them and see what other surprises their father had in store.


Later that evening, after the children had been tucked into bed, Riftan and Maxi sat in their bedchamber facing the large windows which provided a lovely view of the mountains. They sat in comfortable silence for a while, holding hands and enjoying simply being in each other's presence.

"Would you like to open my gift?" Riftan asked, breaking the calm silence that had settled between them.

Maxi gave him a shy smile as curiosity danced in her eyes.

"Yes," she replied, almost bashfully. "You really didn't have to get me anything. You have given me so many beautiful dresses and jewels I couldn't possibly need anymore."

As she spoke, Riftan stood and made his way over to the bedside table on his side of the bed. He opened the drawer and rummaged around for a moment before he found what he had been looking for. He returned to his seat and handed her a small box.

She lifted the lid and gasped. Inside the little box, laid out on a small cloth of black silk, was a dainty necklace with four beautiful gems on a delicate golden chain. There were two small stones in the center and two slightly larger stones on either side. One of the large stones was a red garnet and on the other end, a dark blue sapphire. Between the two larger stones sat a small topaz and a tiny emerald.

She stood and stepped closer to the fireplace wanting to see how the gems sparkled and shined under its soft light. The stones glistened as they rested in her palm.

She gave Riftan a bright smile. Her face was flush with happiness, and her breathing became a little heavy as she tried not to cry. This beautiful necklace represented her loved ones,
the birthstones of each member of the Calypse family. Andrew's orange topaz and Victoria's green emerald in the center with Maximilian's garnet and Riftan's sapphire beside them.

"Would you mind holding my hair back while I put it on?" she asked sweetly.

Riftan stood and quickly made his way over to her and stood behind her. He gently lifted her crimson curls off of her shoulders, as he watched her slender fingers fiddle with the delicate clasp on the golden chain until it locked into place. He slowly released her hair, relishing the wonderful feeling of her curls slipping through his fingers.

She turned around so he could see it properly.
The necklace fit perfectly, resting slightly above her chest. The stones stood out against her pale skin in a way that enhanced her beauty without drawing too much attention.

He couldn't help the smile that graced his lips as he witnessed his lovely wife wearing a necklace that represented the people he loved more than anything.

"It's beautiful Riftan," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you. This was the perfect gift."

He could tell from the look in her eyes and her posture that there was something she wasn't telling him.

"What's wrong Maxi?" he asked, obvious concern laced in his tone.

"Nothing's wrong," Maxi said happily.

She paused for a moment before speaking again.

"I was simply wondering if the necklace could be modified," this time she spoke hesitantly, much more nervous than before but there was also a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Modify it?" Riftan asked, now quite confused. "You said it was perfect, I don't understand."

"It is perfect and lovely," she said in a gentle voice trying to calm his obvious nerves. "I was wondering if I could add another stone later if I needed to."

She looked down at the necklace as she spoke, brushing her fingertips against the large beautiful stones that represented her family.

"Add another stone?" Riftan said, now completely at a loss. "Why would you need- "

Maxi raised her gaze to meet his eyes and she gave him a warm knowing smile. Maxi had asked them to help her eat the meal they had prepared for her and yet he noticed that she ate more than she usually did. Come to think of it, he also hadn't heard her complain about her monthly bleeding lately.

His eyes grew wide and his brows rose creating deep lines on his forehead as his jaw went slightly slack and his mouth suddenly felt very dry. Maximilian's knowing smile widened into a grin.

"Truly?" he whispered almost cautiously.

Maxi chuckled at how nervous he looked. He had faced death countless times and had never faltered and yet here before her, he looked utterly and completely vulnerable.

"Yes," she said. "In about seven months, we will need to add another beautiful stone to this lovely gift."

In one moment Riftan was staring at her with a look of awe on his face and the next he had his hands on her waist as he lifted her off the floor. Maxi giggled as he spun her around in circles beaming at her with pride, love and joy shining in his eyes.

Riftan eventually set her down but did not let her go, holding her close in his strong embrace. He eventually stepped back and as he did he moved one hand to caress her stomach. His other hand moved to cradle her jaw. Her gaze had dropped to watch his hand that rested upon her belly. He tipped her head back so he could see her face. Her silver blue eyes, glossy with unshed happy tears met his dark onyx eyes. Maxi smiled brightly at him and let out a noise that sounded like a sob and a laugh all at once. Riftan beamed at her before leaning down to capture her lips in a sweet yet fierce kiss. Even as their lips met, they couldn't stop smiling.

"I love you." Riftan said, his voice sounding far away as though he were slightly in a daze.

Maxi's gaze once again dropped to her stomach. She gently placed her hand over Riftan's which hadn't moved from her belly.

"We love you too," Maxi replied as she raised her head to meet his gaze once more.

Boy or girl? Warrior or mage? Whoever they were Maxi and Riftan couldn't wait to meet them. They would be cherished and celebrated and occasionally spoiled. But most importantly they would be loved, loved by their parents, their brother, their sister, the knights and their people. Loved fiercely, boldly and unconditionally. Loved always.

NOTE: A garnet (Maxi) represents friendship and passion. A sapphire (Riftan) represents truth and loyalty (perfect, because he hates liars). An orange topaz (Andrew) represents courage and loyalty. An (Victoria) emerald represents elegance and compassion. The next addition to their family will be born in December, the blue topaz birthstone, symbolizing wisdom and peace.

Happy Mother's Day to our soon to be mom of three! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and have a wonderful Mother's Day. Special gratitude and thanks to all the moms (and motherly figures) in our lives.

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