Endless Love - Part 2 - Budding Love

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No one's pov

Black, that's what he always see.. Zhan has a beautiful doe eyes.. Even though he can't see, Yibo knows how his husband's eyes smile whenever he is too happy and Yibo is proud that he is the reason for his happiness.. Wang Yibo helped his husband to recognise the place, each and every nook and corner in the mansion.. He is too talkative only to his husband.. To Yibo, Zhan is his most precious treasure, his love.. Within few days of their marriage he realise how pure, kind and caring his husband is..

And for Zhan, Yibo became his everything.. After the accident, he didn't allow anyone in his life except his father, brother and his sister in law Ziyi.. But now he is more comfortable with his husband.. The warm touch of his husband make him to feel safe.. His in-laws are so protective over the younger, mostly Yanli who always care and adore the younger.. Through Yanli he feel his mother's love again..

Wang Yibo is arranging the files on his table before he leaves.. Suddenly he heard a knock and it's Xiao Cheng who visited him.. 'A Cheng, What a surprise..'

'I want to see you.. Did you finish your work..' Xiao Cheng asked looking at his watch.. It's already five in the evening..

'Yeah..' Looking at his brother in law Yibo knows that the other wants to say something.. 'Do you want to say something Cheng..' Yibo asked.. Cheng sighed and nodded his head.. They both settled on the sofa.. Yibo waited for the elder to talk..

'It's about Zhan..' Cheng started.. 'Actually Doctor Yang gave appointment for Zhan.. He wants to check up Zhan..'

'He is an ophthalmologist.. Why no one said about Zhan's eye condition.. Actually I didn't want to ask my bunny because I don't want to hurt him.. I heard from Uncle that he lost his sight when he got into accident with his mother..'

'Yeah.. He was traumatized and didn't want to accept the surgery because it's only a fifty fifty chance.. That's why.. But he should try it..' Cheng stated.. Yibo knows how the other feels.. 'Zhan trust you and he loves you..' Cheng can see the red ears of his brother in law.. Apart from forehead and kisses on his cheeks both Yibo and Zhan still remind as friends eventhough they love each other..

'You have to talk to him..' Yibo sighed at the other.. 'This week end he had an appointment..' Yibo wants his husband to enjoy his life.. He wants his husband to try it.. Because not only him there are so many people who love him.. Wang Yibo nodded his head..

With a lot of thoughts how to say to his little bunny he stopped the car infront of their mansion.. When he entered the hall he was greeted by the laughing sound of Zhan with his brother and sister in law.. Hearing the foot steps Zhan knows about his husband arrival..

'Gege..' Wang Yibo took off his coat and sit beside his husband ruffled his soft hair..

'Yibo I already prepared dinner.. Go and fresh up..' Yanli said..

They four had a hearty dinner with Zhan's cute giggles.. Xichen can feel how much his little brother loves Zhan.. Yanli too witnessed the sweet conversation between Yibo and Zhan..  After dinner both Yanli and Xichen leaves the mansion..

'You have to leave me bunny if you want me to wash the plates..' Wang Yibo is busy in washing the dishes but the human bunny is not willing to leave his husband.. 'I don't want to..' Yibo chuckled at his husband and he think about what his brother in law discussed with him.. He has to talk to Zhan about it..

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