Mulai dari awal

"Hello, everyone! And hello to you Miss Hanks. I hope they weren't too much trouble this morning."

"They were great!" She smiled, "They entertained me the entire time. Especially Rhodes."

"What do we say to Miss Hanks for watching you for me?"

"Thank you, Miss Hanks." The kids sang.

"No problem."

And with that she was gone. The kids then stared at me. Were they expecting an answer or something? I love them but I don't have to explain myself to them plus, this is something I most certainly don't need to be telling them.

"Don't be looking at me like that," I said, giving them a look, "Continue doing whatever it is that you were just doing."

I walked over to my desk to put my things down and before I could even turn on my computer Halo was standing in front of me.

Did she teleport over here or something?

"Can I help you, Halo?" I asked.

"Yes," she answered, "Is my mommy okay? She told my daddy she had a meeting with you but she never came home. Did you kill her?"

"Of course not," I chuckled, "She'll be home when you go. Why don't you ask her?"

"Okay." She shrugged.

That's one of the reasons why you don't sleep with a student's parent! They start asking questions. To be fair, I should have expected this. Halo is a little too intelligent for my liking.


I received a text from Harlow at 9:49am. It was a long ass paragraph that said she enjoyed the meeting "and the activities that occurred afterwards", however she's upset with me because I let her stay over. I told her I wasn't going to let her drive while drunk and she agreed! She may not have remember agreeing but it happened.

The main issue was that her car was still at the restaurant. She told me she called to make sure it wasn't towed and when one of the staff told her it was where she left it she let out a huge sigh of relief. I'm not sure how she was able to get it but she did. She had work at eleven and wasn't aware of how to get home from my place but I reminded her that google maps exists for a reason.

Raven was in my room when I got the text because our kids were at specials and when that happens we usually use that time to do any finishing touches on our lesson plan for the day.

She began crying because I didn't tell her about me having sex with Harlow. I don't know how Ashley deals with Raven while she's pregnant.
She literally had a temper tantrum and left my room. We didn't even finish the things we needed to do!

I obviously texted Ashley to let her know her wife was having a moment.

Ashy Knees 🫶🏾

Your wife is
deadass driving
me crazy. Come get
her please

What occurred
to make her act
the way she's
acting? Besides
the fact that she's

Promise you won't
be mad?

Salem, what the
hell did you do?!

I need you to promise
you won't be mad

I won't be mad

Ok so basically
you know how I have
a really intelligent
little girl in my class ?


I arranged a
"meeting" with her
mom yesterday
because she's fine as
fuck. Well we had
a little too much
to drink and ended
up ya know doing the
Devil's tango. I didn't
tell Raven immediately
and now she's going crazy


Ashley! You promised

My toes were
crossed. Why the
actual fuck would
you do something
like that Say?

She's fine as fuck?
I just said it

I'm so disappointed
in you right now, it's
not even funny.

I'm sorry?

You're on
punishment. That
is absolutely
outrageous! What
did Margret do?

The bitch laughed
at me!

Sounds about
right. Ok I gotta
go they just paged me.
This conversation
is far from over, Mariah

Using my
middle name was
so unnecessary...

1327 words

A/n: I find it really funny that we're 14 chapters into this book and the two main characters aren't even dating yet. I believe by the fourteenth chapter of HSIT Hades, Adrian, and Lely were already together! That's how you know my writing is getting better- also, this chapter never needed to be 1300 words long. That's wild...this long ass authors note what the fuck. Everything is long...😉

My Daughter's Teacher Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang